Hardcore Servers being neglected resulting in thousands of hours lost

If you’re going to quote something you should use a reference or citation.

Go try to create a character.

Everyone knows about this policy, you don’t need to keep posting it. People posting against the policy are advocating for changes, and that’s okay.


Appealcore needs to come and save us on Official.

In my opinion, of course, rollbacks instantly destroy HC servers because the expectation will be there for everyone that feels their character death was “Blizzard’s fault”. I get it’s upsetting and frustrating. But this is what hardcore is sometimes. At some point perhaps these folks will remember the exhilaration and joy to enable them to go agane. I hope that happens.

But rollbacks and restores are not hardcore and don’t belong - in my opinion.


It’s nothing I’d want. But I don’t blame folks for getting upset over these kind of situation. It’s okay to air grievances here (imo).


I do NOT want rollbacks. I just want Blizz to warn if they start messing with the code in any of the linked together versions, so that we can go somewhere safe and log out.
Loss of connexions to DDOS, lightening, floodings … you name it is OK, but losing connexion due to Blizz messing with something and not telling us. This is the real problem!

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It seems there are many people who really aren’t hard-core playing on Defias, and while they have managed to hide or escape the reality of this up to this point, thru use of petri flasks and other ways, ultimately death comes to all HC characters as it should ensuring the cycle of life and death continues.

Fortunately Blizzard thought ahead, realizing that there would be people who really were more interested in appeal-core than hard-core, provided a mechanism for which these players so they could escape the unfair reality of the hard-core server by taking a free transfer to an ERA server where they no longer be plagued by rules they accepted but where in reality, they aren’t able to accept the unfairness that comes with it.


Why is a lvl 10 talking about others not being hardcore enough?

Go level

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Perhaps because there is a small group of people , that want to bring the travesty of appeal-core to the HC servers. We saw how it destroyed the HC challenge on BSB, making the entire thing nothing but a joke, because people could find any reason they needed to be “rolled back”, under the guise of their death being “not fair”. This justification was even used by one of the major raiding guilds, to justify letting all their members live after a raid wipe, because well their deaths weren’t “fair”.

As for the character I post on, well it doesn’t really matter, as yours doesn’t either,


lowbies shouldn’t worry about adult topics.

did the meanies calling you a “retailer” hurt you because I would be sad if so

the opinion of those insufficiently skilled to play retail mean to means much as the opinion of an insect…

find you a hot nurse to kiss your booboo kapp

So happy I retired …

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Afaik Sargeras is not a HC server, so …

Oh you’re one of those. Destroyed the HC challenge on BSB? You know what’s funny? The exact players who people like you accused of cheating without any evidence are still clearing Naxx no problems on official Hardcore. Funny how that worked out right?

What do you mean people like me? So I personally find the current state of raiding and even end game dungeons running to be less that valid due to petri flask, so have zero desire to participate it, which is fine because I can get the HC I need without raiding though initially I did find it disappointing as it eliminated a large part of the game for me. Perhaps if they remove the petri flask, I might have the desire to raid, but until then, I don’t need it to enjoy HC, I will simply do things more SF. While my opinion will differ from others, you’re welcome to raid with it, and no I don’t consider it cheating, just not really HC.

It’s also ok if you like appeal-core better, personally I don’t. I wanted a HC server that would stop all rollbacks, and have no exceptions, so when rule was made that people, which you actually agree to when you create a character, I felt then and still now it was the right decision, and am glad they made that rule, even though the decision sometimes can be harsh, as I know otherwise, rollbacks would be abused.

Also lets be honest here, its not like there was no evidence of the abuse on BSB, at least one of the prominent raiding guilds steamed the wipe and all its glory which is still out on Youtube, yet all the players were still around the following day. I also didn’t say it was cheating, it’s just not HC, and it’s also not like they were the only ones to abuse appeals. It simply a really good example on how flawed an appeal system will become and once you start, the abuse becomes inevitable.

Oh you mind posting your evidence?

Guessing you can find it yourself as your likely already well aware of the incident, If not, search by your guild name, and griefing on YouTube. Also again, technically it wasn’t cheating, it was just a byproduct of what occurs when you have the ability to appeal deaths, and the HC challenge veered from HC on BSB early on to what became more appeal-core.

While I typically don’t jump on the slippery slope type arguments, unfortunately this is one of the cases where undoubtably any rollback for any reason would lead to more and more abuses, they started with good intentions on BSB, ultimately though you simply can’t manage that type of thing or ever be fair, so the fairest way is simply not to get even go down the path once.

So at least now we established that you are arguing against a complete strawman. Nobody is asking for any grief-appeals - it’s good that Blizzard started banning them on Officials though.

We also established that you are misrepresenting the history of the SoM / Era appeals.
Griefing was ALWAYS appealable - nothing was “abused” or “started with good intentions” and then fell off.
If you want to argue otherwise, you might want to post any evidence of appeals being abused

My suspicion that you are a Blizzard dev is growing stronger and stronger since they also don’t know much about HC.

How about you show your HC char? Probably can’t because if you actually played HC you would know about the poop state the servers are in. You just live in the forums