Please, dont do this blizz

I’d much prefer a glyph or hero talent that let me smack people with lightning or void goop rather than whatever this ugly effect is. Shame Arms doesn’t get Mountain Thane and we get… whatever this is. Hoping its a placeholder because ever other new effect looks pretty good.


I really hope they won’t put them in the game, it’s really atrocious, and they will let the old animations in retail like they are. Or just give us glyphs to keep the old animations or to remove the “ghost weapons” with the “impact effect” on the ground. Or we could also get glyphs to get these new animations for the ones who want them.

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these animations are not what warriors are about. we smash things with our existing weapons, not summon random ones like a paladin with its spinny hammers


Before watching

Come on it can’t be that bad. They probably just want to make it more visible.

After watching

Oh, God why? That’s awful.


That was literally also me. I was expecting to be mostly indifferent, but it is cheesy and over animated.


Not much new to say here. It’s atrocious. It looks like a budget FF14 effect. Paladin is already too OTT for me, but at least it’s consistent with the class fantasy. This just does not belong anywhere near warrior.


We just need legion warbreaker with more exploding/sundering the earth, and actual impactful sound effects (for all warrior abilities…). And the whirlwind animation needs to go. Its the absolute worst animation in warriors kit.


My hope was we would have your charater make a brutal roar ( hell i would be fine with dragon roar) sound effect as we swung down onto our target. On impact the sound of shattering metal would go off as the animation of the target would have parts of their armor shattering off in different directions.

Whether we all agree warrior uses some magic or not, is no longer the point. We all have different views on that, as we all come different walks of life and cultures. However i think we can all agree, as a warrior our focus as a warrior is combat prowess and skill with our weapons.

We are not paladins calling upon a deity for aid, nor do we call upon out side forces for battle. We are the few that call upon our own courage, might, and skill. We are the ones that need no intervention from false gods. Or some boon of temporary power. It has always been and will always be from us. Whether it is some inner strength we dig deep for when the odds push against us or some force within us that lore has yet to explain in our world. This power has always come from us.

This “New Animation” does not represent this, in fact it takes away and leads us further away from what a warrior truly is. We are every knight, orc, soldier or warrior who has stood on a battle field an watched our enemies wield impossible magics and yet choose to rush forward and fight. It is not the Fel nor the Void our enemies should fear but, our determination to end thier miserable lives.

With this “ghost” animation can you really say " thats a warrior" when you see it. I really feel we can do better and find something that really fits who and what warriors are.


There’s one very big concerning aspect of this too since it’s so late in the PTR cycle, we’re easily just over a month for the next patch which should be coming end of feb/start of march according to the time when both plunderstorm/turbulent timeways will be ending.

There definitely isn’t enough noise or people angry with the abomination of an animation they’ve put forth.