Please don't create a new PVE server

We already have one PVE server for NA region and the other one AU, why are you also doing the server change on the PVE side?? Please leave the PVE server side alone. If people from the AU pve (low pop) server want to move to the NA server, just let them have a free transfer over. This will be a total mess if both PVE servers can’t have new people create characters on them, it sounds like we’re basically being forced to transfer over to the new PVE server you’ll be creating, especially as soon as a couple large guilds start the transfer process over.

Am I missing something on the PVE side that benefits us?? Sorry if I misread something on the blue post, please enlighten me if I did <3


Maybe pve RP server exists somewhere idk I never look at the pve servers. From my understanding the new pve server will be taking in MANY pvp refugees as well so the pve server will likely be the biggest in the game .

Having more people could be a benefit for sure, especially on the horde side as alliance currently is the bigger population on the server, which makes getting some of the faction only tags during the BRE event annoying at times, but it’d honestly make more sense if they just allow free transfers from the pvp servers to the one NA pve server to me, while others choose to transfer from the MULTIPLE pvp servers to the one mega pvp server if they want too.

I guess we’ll see how this all plays out in the end…

And sadly I’ll most likely have to get new names on like 90% of my toons, but that’s a lesser concern of course then server population collapses and having less people to play with in the end going forward in SoD if blizz screws this all up!

You’d think they’d just open up transfers to Wild Growth for PVE-NA and Crusader Strike for PVP-NA (I know it’s PVP RP).

If they do make two new realms (PVE & PVP), then it’s 100% clear that they just want the SoD project to die; spread the dwindling playerbase even more because some won’t want to leave. - Instead of two health-pop servers we’ll have 2 new low pop servers and a handful of old [even] low[er] pop servers.

So they can stop working on it and be all like “gee willikers there’s just no one playing it anymore so we were forced to shutter it”.

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They never said they’re making new servers… I have no clue where people got this idea and why doomers keep parroting it.

What was said.

I really hope that is the case and wild growth becomes the designated one pve server.

Because before it got changed the moron wowhead writer wrote that it was 2 new servers when it was never mentioned on the bluepost. Then it got changed.

ahhhhh that makes sense I guess. I would of thought the same thing than had I read it on wowhead and not here on the forums

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You all have way too much faith in Blizzard.

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