Please don't add forced lgbt representation

Ugh it’s that weird inbetween state!! I tend to get angry and tell my body “ok if you’re not gonno let me sleep then I’m just going to use the computer then,” thinking that’d teach em’ a lesson and then I regret it 1 hour later.

It’s the waiting to actually fall asleep part that I can’t stand. You just lay there and do nothing while also trying to get your brain to shut up.

It’s freaking boring. Might as well try and get it over with. Night. Nobody break anything.

Maybe you can try listening to some sleep meditation music as well. Night!!

How do you determine if a character’s orientation is genuine vs just a ticked box?

Does a character need a reason to be gay or trans? Can’t they just be?


Basically, yeah. Constantly using buzzwords like inorganic or forced is an easy way to delegitimise any representation you don’t like.

This is the new positivity thread. it belongs to the gays now.


We’ve stolen every other thread so far! The gays claim another one!


In real life, I don’t know a single LGBTQ person. Then again, I live in Nebraska!

So that is probably not representative of averages. Then again, San Francisco would not be either.

It isn’t that they don’t “come out” here either. There were at least two at the big box hardware store that I work at, so I’m saying I don’t know any currently. It isn’t because it is a “problem” here, no one cared, one male just worked there for a short time and the female assistant manager got a job as a sheriff.

So if there was an MMORPG about my life in particular, there would be “no representation!” Then again, if I worked at/frequented one of the 5-6 “gay bars/clubs” here that would be different. Wow, I had no idea there were 5-6; “The
Max” I remember from when I was 21 or so, with that thing where the girls you work with are always dragging their straight guy friends to the gay bars (I’m 53 now, so that place has been here for some time!.)

That was when I discovered something else about myself, “Wow, not only am I totally unattractive to females… but also gay guys!” Not that I wanted to be, but I just found that funny; It was like I was invisible! I guess the stereotype was that if you were straight, then some female friends dragged you to the gay bar, that you would be “hit on.”

Ha, gay bar reviews on yelp (of Omaha, Nebraska) are funny. “I’m from LA, so really cheap drinks compared to LA!” Yeah, that is one great thing about here. I remember YEARS ago when I went to Chicago, being shocked at the price difference just stepping into a Burger King.

Exactly. If it makes sense then it’s fine and as long as it seems natural. Forcing it however is caving in just to appease.

Why does it have to “make sense” for someone to just be gay? These are made up characters, the writers can make them any orientation they want. Does it have to “make sense” for them to be straight too?


Why does it have to be natural? Give me some supernatural LGBT! Spoopy ghosts and werewolves please!!!

Also - Everyone saying “Well as LONG AS it’s well written” please realize that while what you’re saying sounds reasonable it’s still homophobic. Stop putting qualifiers on LGBT people. Let us have some trashy Hallmark Christmas movies featuring gay couples as well?!

Yeah, that’s a horrible idea. I’m imagining a setting where characters don’t form interesting relationships as a result, and character motivations within the setting are forcibly narrowed because there’s an entire facet of social interaction completely denied to them by necessity of the setting. Now there are plenty of settings and stories where romance isn’t a thing; I can’t see how this would be any different than that other than the constant reminder that “there is no love” being plastered everywhere; which would get extremely tiresome, and make no sense since the characters have no point of reference for it if it doesn’t exist in their setting to begin with.

Because LGBT representation has yet to be normalized in media it doesn’t matter how it’s implemented. Someone is going to notice and call it forced.

Cast Asian actor - FoRcEd DiVeRsItY!
Write gay character - FoRcEd DiVeRsItY!
Write straight character - crickets

Because straight is most of the world population that’s why it’s crickets because it’s perceived as the norm. Screaming at Blizz to make LGBT content is trying to force their hand to do so. They have so far with OW but why do video game characters need an orientation?

They will never add any substantial LGBTQ+ content because Blizzard likes courting authoritarian governments where being gay or trans is a crime. Which is why their gay baiting and fake wokeness is irritating

Most people have an orientation
Most video game characters are depictions of people.

I’m sure you could figure the rest out.

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[Moderator Note: Topic locked due to necro. Conversation ended 5 months ago. It did not need to be revived.]