Please don't add forced lgbt representation

If it were to come naturally perhaps, though it’s still bad to drastically change the theme of a character just for the sake of appeasing one group while at the same time ignoring the other side. I’m sure some would be angry if a character that was once in the lgbt crowd suddenly came out said they were straight with out any kind of lead up. If people want equality, it needs to be equal for all not just some.


Social distancing is making people desperate for attention.


You really part of the LGBT community? This seems like something I’d expect a homophobe to say.


Not everyone in the LGBT community is for everything gay. I follow people like Blair White. They follow people like Dennis.


I am not gay myself just fyi. What’s interesting is that you’re seeing “everything gay” where those unbothered by it are not. As a straight guy, I don’t feel like all this gay representation is suddenly being shoved in my face. Why would someone even more supportive be bothered?


Another LGBT here. I’m fine with more LGBT stuff, but I do agree that forced stuff or stuff that’s there to go with the current trend is horrible.

Which is exactly like representation is though. The name itself means it’s there to “represent” something, tick a box. Which is why I hate when it’s asked for.


There’s a containment thread for this.

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its that time to use thread mute again



Nevermind boring LBGTQ or Straight representation, I wanna see a game were everyone is Asexual because sexuality is over rated, boring and gross.


Don’t worry, it’ll be deleted, but I’m with you on the “ignore” part.

Do you also call black Republicans uncle toms? You do know the gay community is not a hive mind, right? My gay friend who watches every movie possible is noticing the forced participation ruining classic story lines and it bothers him. Not because there are plot lines involving lgbt but because plot lines are ruined to somehow wedge lgbt in them.


Yeah, in order to destroy sterotypes they are trying to force new sterotypes. Suddenly a character will always make mention of their sexuality in weird scenarios only so we’re aware of it. Suddenly these gay people live in worlds were apparently 50% of the population is gay and they have no issue finding relationships or even “turning”/“making them realize” someone else. Suddenly if the episode has LGBT people there, there WILL be political/social commentary that’s always 2010’s progressivism.

It feels pandering and insulting in some ways.


No it doesn’t NEED to be in everything, but where is the line between doing it just because and doing it pander and who decides? People often act as if any representation at all for anyone is just to pander and it’s equally as annoying.


A hive mind? Here was my response that you skipped over:

“I am not gay myself just fyi. What’s interesting is that you’re seeing “everything gay” where those unbothered by it are not. As a straight guy, I don’t feel like all this gay representation is suddenly being shoved in my face. Why would someone even more supportive be bothered?”

I am not noticing forced anything, though maybe it’s because my lack of care. Maybe if I felt I was being misrepresented, I’d be bothered…but that’s not what’s going on here. OP is bothered by LGBT being added and doesn’t want representation, just look at the title.

Nobody is generalizing a group of people, I am just trying to understand the reasoning. And offered how I interpret this, nothing past that.


You not noticing stuff doesn’t take away from stuff like ghost busters. There are all kinds of quotas to fill and even the Dem front runner claims to want to put more black women on the SCOTUS. If you are seriously gonna try to sit there and tell me there isn’t a gigantic push for equality of outcome over equality of opportunity you are beyond delusional.


:clap: This. I’m not interested in being another box for California to tick off.


I am not saying anything of the sort, I questioned who the OP is. That’s all. You’re in your own world, look up what delusional means, then apply to yourself.

Do you deny there is a push for equality of outcome or not?


Well… It all started because Chick-fil-A donated money to an organization that forced gays to protest at the restaurants…

It needs greater representation so as to normalize it to the 'phobes.