Please don’t remove Hunter pets

So, back in MoP you needed to do a lot of dailies with the Golden Lotus in order to unlock Shado-Pan or August Celestial daily quests. So if you wanted rewards from either of those two reps, you had to do a bunch of daily quests for a rep you cared nothing about. Blizzard took this feedback as players hating to do so many daily quests and launched WoD with a single daily quest. That failed miserably and we ended up with all sorts of daily content since then.

The point being that Blizzard can look at the data all day long and still come through with the wrong conclusion.


Sorry, I must have missed your post then. I skipped a few days over Xmas. Well, if you say you hunt with a dog then I stand corrected. As I said, I can only go by what people say they do. An actual hunter uses dogs as well.

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You think they would learn by now that is a bad idea.


Yes, on that we can wholeheartedly agree on. Look at how long it took them to allow for Account wide unlocks.

The point tho is that THEY are the ones with all the Data. They didn’t make this decision out of nowhere. There are reasons why this is happening. You cannot just dismiss it out of hand.

If you think it’s a bad call, give them alternatives. Putting Lust as baseline is NOT an alternative, as has been pointed out by others. You want to streamline the system, not make it worse. Saying “It’s about the RP, look at the Dwarf cinematic” is also NOT an alternative. Likewise saying, there are millions of us MM Hunters who will quit if this goes thru is also not going to work, because they will have the number that contradict that.

Just saying “it’s a bad idea” is not going to work.

google: The Ultimate Guide to Deer Hunting Dog Breeds for 2024

from another site: The most popular and effective dog breeds used for deer hunting are hounds. Hounds have a superior sense of smell, can track for long distances, have plenty of endurance, and a loud, baying bark that helps hunters follow them through dense woods and vegetation. Different hound breeds have attributes that make them excel in specific deer hunting tasks.

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My point still stands. I’d take the word of somebody who said they did it over something I’ve read or something somebody said they read.

And it’s been addressed anyways. I missed the post by somebody else who said they DID hunt with dogs. So I’ve now got info from two actual hunters who do both.

Yeah, and I’m saying that sometimes they can look at the data and get the wrong conclusion. They’ve “had the data” twice before that MM should go petless and ended up going back both times. But I’m sure they’ve really “got the data” this time for sure.

How does making lust baseline make things worse? Like, be specific here. Give tenacity pets something else to make up for losing lust and call it a day. There’s literally no downside here.

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Hunting dogs also come in a lot of types. Terriers, for example, are small prey hunters that act in a similar fashion to falconry, in that they go and catch the prey themselves (usually kill it in the process.)

Just fun facts.

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Hunting wild boar is mosty done with dogs to keep the boar from attacking the hunter.

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Boar are nasty man. I would never want to hunt them or raise them specifically because I don’t want to develop like a genuine hatred toward them.

Mean bastards.

Are they getting their data from PeTA or what? I think their data collection needs to look more at overall how many times MM hunters summon a pet.


We have feral pigs around this part of Texas that will F you up. There are ranchers who do not go out on foot without a dog or two to warn/protect them til they can get a shot off at the nasty, evil buggers. I hear stories how people who disappear are never found because hogs ate them


I don’t hunt bears but there are folks around me who do and they use dogs to locate and track the bear. They will also use dogs for raccoons, fox and larger cats. I hunt deer but don’t use dogs then again all I have to do is head to my back deck with a warm beverage and wait for the deer to come to me. I also don’t know anyone who uses dogs for deer as most hunters use blinds or deer stands along known deer paths. I do use dogs when out hunting fowl (Both water and land based birds). So hunting with a companion animal is fairly common but when they are used mainly comes down to local culture.


Complication. Sure it’s minor but but if you make lust baseline, you are going to lose something. Talent points aren’t free.

However, thinking about it a bit more, I’ve think fallen into the same trap here that others have in that I’m just parroting. So, I’ll backtrack. You are right. Putting is baseline is not that complicated. But what’s the point? It’ll still not get taken because …

The simple fact is that having the Pet is a DPS LOSS. And in Mythic/Raids that is the main thing. Which means that the pet is never used. And since Blizz is catering for this crowd, then that means it’s a useless appendix. So Blizz are just removing it.

If you want people to use their pet, you need to BUFF the damage the pet does. To make up at least the 5% DPS loss. And maybe even more to make up for pet pathing shenanigans. THAT is what you should be pushing.

Oh yeah, btw, completely agree that they can read the data and get it wrong. But like I’ve said in other posts, we HAVE to assume some sort of competance and take things on faith. Otherwise why even bother getting out of bed?

I think there’s a better way to say this / get this point across, but I agree and I think it’s a good point, assuming I understand you correctly.

If we can’t take at face value that the developers are at least competent enough to make a game we enjoy, why are we even bothering to support it or hope for positive change?

There’s probably still a better way to phrase it.

The problem is not the lower damage in itself. The problem is in high level content there is a dependency on the pet to provide Lust. This forces a decision to either have lower DPS and use Lust or have higher DPS without Lust. The resolution is to decouple Lust from the pet. This would allow the current higher DPS LW to be used in group content with some type of Hunter Lust ability. Folks like me who use the pet in open world content and are ok with the lower DPS could continue to do this. It is a win-win for both types of players.

Edit: fix typo

And your comments on it is one I’ll respect and take in full faith. You have seen this stuff for real so you will know more than somebody who has only read about it.

One of my IRL friends looking over my shoulder has already pointed out that they have Pig Dogs at their farm. Specifically because feral boars in the outback are nasty buggers.


LOL thank you. You are right. That is a much better way of putting it. I’m going to go with the excuse that I’m doing this at work during a slow time so that’s on me :slight_smile:

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Yep, agree with your post. Like I did with Rankin just before. You can easily make Lust baseline.

But that whole 'Lust thing is a bit of a furphy. I’m pro change and even I think that’s not as relevant as some people make it out to be. Mainly, in the high end content, you are doing stuff in a group. If NOBODY in the group has lust except the MM Hunter, then I’m surprised the group even bothered to enter. It’ll never happen in guild groups or premades. This will only happen in Pugs.

Decoupling it from the Pet doesn’t stop the issue that the Pet is then a useless appendix. If it never gets used, then why bother having it at all? Open world content is NOT hard. Lack of a pet doesn’t stop other RDPS classes from doing it. The main reason to keep the pet is purely emotional. There is not any game benefit.