Please don’t remove Hunter pets


The pet will auto attack, Bite, and Growl. All pet-based utility is on the Hunter directly for MM in 11.1.

Assuming the pets keep their abilities for MM, they should share a cooldown with the Hunter abilities - Master’s Call should already do that as it’s the same spell, Primal Rage matters less due to Sated. IDK what is happening with Fortitude of the Bear in 111.1, it isn’t mentioned in the dev notes at all.

None of the non-Exotic family abilities matter for MM in 11.1, except the snare. Even then, we have Wing Clip/Concussive Shot, so you aren’t losing any functionality even if the family abilities got turned off entirely for MM.

FWIW, SV has a hidden debuff for -50% damage on Auto Shot. Go test on a dummy - equip a bow, spec BM or MM, shoot a dummy, record the damage. Swap to SV, same gear, shoot the same dummy, you’ll do ~half damage compared with the other specs. There is zero reason they couldn’t implement something similar for MM.

Its solo content, it cant be but so challenging.

t11 isnt dropping myth track

No it cant.

Anyone doing any content that matters ran LW.

See above

Really? Since when?

Last I checked, SV lost access to Raptor Strike, Harpoon, Muzzle, and Kill Shot if you don’t have a 2h equipped. Everything WFB still works, as does Serpent Sting. You have Arcane Shot for a Focus dump. Kill Command still builds Focus, does damage, and can proc the self-reset.

Is it optimal? No, not even close. Doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Not possible would mean SV gets a “You can’t equip that” error when trying to equip a bow.

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You do not determine what content “matters” for anyone other than yourself.


That Snoz is delulu.


That’s why blizzard balanced around raids and mplus not solo content.

I still maintain that it hurts nothing to let MM still have the Lone Wolf talent where they have the option to bring their pet out, even if it’s not technically optimal to do so.

Part of player choice is letting the player choose to be sub-optimal. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any points in talents as a whole, either. There’s always an optimal build to be using.


Tell that to flying brother, who won in the end? :wink:

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This is how delusional you have to be to think this is not a good decision.

I could cherry pick plenty of individual posts that make a side look ridiculous in any of these threads.


Yeah we get it, you spend more time posting then playing the game.


Or I pay attention. You overestimate the time it actually takes to post this much or read a single thread of low effort slop.

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I play MM hunter and I use a pet.


Apparently Blizzard’s entire philosophy is to take away as much class fantasy, abilities and talents as possible and to shoe-horn every player into playing every spec exactly the way Blizzard wants you to play i.e. the way optimized for some small and vocal min-maxing minority. Apparently for those people the game is unplayable if there is a single “flavor” spell in their spellbook or a talent in their spec which literally nobody is forcing them to use


We went through this same situation back in BfA. “You’re losing your pet” was followed by “You’re keeping your pet”.


Going by DataForAzeroth numbers that I posted earlier, raiders make up a third, at most, since LFR/Normal/Heroic get lumped together achievement-wise. And M+ runs have not been impressive this season, with the numbers dropping to around DF S4 numbers.

So it does not look like M+ and raiders are the majority at all.


It hurts the identity of what they want the spec to be

Not even remotely comparable but if you think you have that kind of support, all I can say is good luck.

I’ve hunted and not used a dog, so what? I know other hunters who do use dogs. It’s a thing, instead of believing what you want to believe, try looking it up.