Please do not allow flying in the new zones, part II...IN WARMODE

I’d never have warmode on, so I’d never be your target

I shouldn’t be ground locked in my pve content because you want to gank people


Never cared for Warmode. I remember actually playing warmode, I only found the Horde playing and rampaging through the few alliance players. So, turned it off because it was not balanced.

I hope they have flying in all of the zones. They keep on time gating flying, so I think it is a just reward for the time gating.

My goodness people. This is about warmode. Does everything really need to be spelled out?

Please delete your account from existance.

If your argument is for PvP reasons that can be fixed by giving everyone the ability to buy something like a grappling gun from an engineer that pulls people off their mounts and to you on a 30 second cool down or something similar to that. But they have to be mounted in order to be pulled.

Its already a thing and not the same. I’ve already addressed that in the OP.

…this is GD. Of course it needs to be spelled out.

Adjust your thread title to say “…in warmode” and maybe people will stop beating you up for your stubbornness.

EDIT: See, was that so hard?

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I’m fine with some areas being no-flight. But would rather they do something interesting to enforce it… like:

high-winds: you try flying, you get pushed to the edge of the zone

weather/predators: try flying and you get zotted by lightning, hit by artillary or attacked by birds and dismounted

dense tree canopy: you can fly, sorta, but only up to 20 ft, and getting above or below the canopy can only be done in limited places

dismount obstacles Cavern stalagtites, urban arches/towers/spires, forest trees: run into one and you get dismounted

so many ways to implement reasonable ‘restricted flight’ without making it ‘no flight’.

just don’t put any flying mounts on your bar. stay o the grounded.

Maybe you should’ve said that clearly in your op to begin with instead of editing it in later.

Communication 101 - if you don’t say it, don’t assume people will automatically know it

This isn’t about warmode, it’s about harassing other players until they logout as per his first thread.

Continuing the discussion from Please do not allow flying in the new zones:


While I love this idea, I just don’t see it happening. It’s not only a concept despised by many players, but also a risky one. There might be unforeseen consequences, i.e. war-mode becoming used far less.

Flying in new zones is fine.

I don’t care about PvP, I love flying. If anything, flying could be disabled while warmode is on.

I doubt you’ll get your way, OP. PvP servers had flying. I doubt it’s going to change now.

Wait what? My blizzard bot detector is going off BRB.

To be truthful,you can’t fly off if you were ganked anyway once you’re hit in pvp you can’t fly off or even mount til you are dead or alive.

Now,if you are trying to gank but the person does fly off it’s fair game.

P.U. smells like rotten troll bait in here…OH GOD people are eating it…good lord.

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Hardly. This topic still needs to be brought to light before flying releases.


And why stop with ‘no flying’.

Mounts are too OP! They should all be removed, because running around with 400 mounts in our pocket ready for use at anytime ruins immersion.

Heck, WALKING is OP! People should be forced to stand still so you can gank them for honor points, because that’s what you really want… easy targets.

You’re welcome to it buddy… this isn’t the game I enjoy anymore, I unsubbed last night and am shopping around for something else to play after my rage at being betrayed subsides.

This is a pve game first. PvP is an optional side bar.

So, flying should be and needs to be present. Nothing in the pve experience should be sacrificed for pvp.

Now, if you meant turn off flying in warmode only. I’d be completely fine with that. Certainly, would make you people camping flight points more productive…