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nope only one free DK total…across all realms, any other dks need a level 60 on the realm

Yeah really the only people who are so vehemently against it are those that have something to hide or want to argue in bad faith.


Bari: Quotes with a Blizzard Article, confirming what everybody else has said to you and proving you wrong.
Khro: “NUH-UH!!”…



It is only one DK per account for free. Doesn’t prove what he’s saying, though.


i quoted the same blizzard article you quoted…

you can only have one free dk… if you made your free dk on the wrong realm, you have to delete it before you can make another one… is exactly what the article says

so i cant have multiple dks running around making forum posts lol

Correct. Anyway, prove you aren’t the aforementioned DK.

Or is it hard to prove a negative?

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What a strange coincidence that 20 people would use the same IO talking points in a non-M+ thread.

Really credible, especially after all the gaslighting OP did.

He expects us to believe him.

2 minutes ago he was denying Free DKs even existed.


Out of context and just go “Nuh-uh” to it…

You’ve asked me this spefically, nothing to do with second DK’s in that post. :point_down:

And i’ve given you the article.

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you quoted it yourself and i quoted the same thing you quoted…

you can make one free DK on any realm… but then any second or further dk requires a lvl 60 on the new realm.

All he would have to do is just…post screenshots of his character list and realm list. Block out any irrelevant names and boom, he’s proved his innocence.

But he can’t do that. And he knows it.


After deleting the toon ? And then just restoring once he’s done making the screenshot ?

No, that’s not credible.

(same argument he used against the MVP).


That’s not what you were saying earlier… :point_down:

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Not like I’d extend him more than the same grace he’s given. Full disclosure, if he posts anything, I’m going to dish out what he’s been dishing out. “You could have x y or z”

All my good faith with this guy is gone.

and raimir corrected me, as well as you, to say that you can make ONE FREE DK anywhere…

any second or further DKs require a lvl 60 on the realm…so it is impossible for me to have multiple dks running around the forums.

Oh for sure. Dudes been arguing in bad faith all night so I fully want him to get absolutely roasted and raked over the coals.


Yeah there goes your crediblity.

A hot minute ago you were outright denying free DKs.

Anyway, for all we know, you have 80s on Benediction.

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well i don’t and you cant prove i do…

I don’t need to prove it.

You betrayed yourself when you used the same IO attack on both toons.

Funny the DK completely vanished once the rogue appeared too. There’s no overlap.

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Evidence has been given, we can’t prove it right now.

You can, though.

Really I’m surprised at how stupid the trolls been with his attempts. I’m pretty sure my kid could troll better than this guy, and shes 8.

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