Please do not add btags to the WoW forums

well my post was restored, so the mods don’t agree with you that it is spam.



Check-pvp confirms though.

Status quo for the sake it of it, doesn’t always mean it’s always good, especailly since there’s bad faith actors involved exploiting that.

Is ‘Harrass’ becoming a new buzzword?..

Just because you had one bad experience, or your friend does, doesn’t mean it will be the same for everybody. Heck, this sort of thing, cuts down on the harrassment, by showing who those people are and to ignore them. Or report them. And they benefit from the lack of btags on forums, and have noticed, their the only ones who are protesting against this. :thinking:

…So where’s the harassment then if it can be so easily dealt with? I mean, i fail to see how having btags change anything here.

Oh no, it’s not like i can… not accept them all. Oh my god, oh noooooooo… It’s not like i can go and actually talk to people and add their Bnet, or vice versa that way, oh nooooooooo… /s

So what? Just don’t accept bnet tags unless it’s from somebody you know and trust.

I’ve kept a closed bnet circle, not mainly because i fear somebody on a free account who wanted to friend me, just to trash talk me (though that did happen and this happened like years ago) , but put simply it’s to protect my friends that i actually know and love, since they had their fair share of abuse over ex-friends, and such.

You can block them. You just can’t be bothered to put in the effort to not click on them. Like, that’s the easiest thing to do in the world. So easy that i forget the bnet request tab even exists.

If you’re talking about those toasts you get that pop up, you can easily disable them.

…Again, where’s the harassment then?..

I would laugh so hard at one person’s effort to who endlessly spam accounts at me. Like, they really like me that much, their willing to waste god knows email accounts at me. :laughing:


I got my print screen button, and popcorn ready.

False Flagging, or flagging at all really, is not harassment.

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false flagging IS harrassment, especially when the person goes to another thread and asks everyone in that thread to come here and false flag me.

imagine what this person would have done if they had my btag? It’s frightneing to think about!

Whose battletag ya’all trying to goad into sharing and why do you want to confront them?

Clearly the intentions are benevolent and benign here… :roll_eyes:

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Adding battletags to the forums would be a REALLY bad idea, it’s outright an account security risk as it’s giving away account details people can use towards efforts to hacking battlenet accounts, which has been a huge issue throughout blizzard’s history.

Not to mention that yes, it would let people stalk you, if they wanted to harass you, and for what? What merit is there to even doing that?


I’m all for Battletags in WoW forums, just like I said in the other Battletag thread that the OP has posted in. We didn’t need another thread while there is an active one.

What you think is harassment at this point, given you said this like so many times, is subjective at this point.

Plus, having Btags, stop this “harassment” and false flagging, because then it would only be one person flaging, and not 50 characters per account. It dispels dishonesty.

And given you only responded to that comment, you don’t seem rather serious or standing by with what you’ve said in your OP… :face_with_monocle:

Who asked everybody to come here and flag you? Mean linking that? Because i take an issue with that sort of thing, if their not going to go to CS or just report and ignore you.

It’s frightening? :laughing:

Nah, mate. You want to know what is actually frightening? people getting your credit card information or IP address. And last time i check, Btag is just your nickname for your account and thus, the only thing Blizzard is fine sharing with other strangers. You’re be fine. Don’t accept bnet friends unless it’s somebody you knew and trust.

All other Blizzard forums use Battletag as it is not in fact a security risk.


Yeah no…having btags on the forums has WAY more upsides and literally 0 downsides…unless you are one of the people sockpuppeting and/or using your account to troll.

Players can already, in theory, make alts on your realm and send ingame mail/whispers to your forum toon. I have yet to receive a single one. Go ahead and do it too. I’d ENJOY the “harassment”. I had a person once back in Cata LFR who singled out my boomkin alt for who knows what reason saying they hated me and wanted me to die and they were going to hack me and find out where I lived. I have no idea who that person was or why they hated me since I literally didn’t even say a word or anything.

In any event, I told them after the run to come to make an alt on my realm and I’ll give him my location. Even made sure to spell out the realm just in case. Even sat on that same toon for about an hour just waiting to see if he ever had the nads to show…never did. Night of potential fun was ruined.


Here are a few thousand people who disagree with and disprove the OP.


Your battletags is just a nickname. Why are you spreading misinfomation?.. :point_down:

I don’t think you know what “stalking” means. People spamming friend requests that you can easily ignore, is not “stalking”.

I forget the tab where you have pending requests even exists. Heck, i can’t even find the the tab, now thinking about it. Did Blizzard removed it or is there some obscure option i’ve flicked off? :thinking:

I guess to give the person who are they “hArSsiNg” a laugh i guess. :laughing:

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I’ve shared my btag here and it’s visible on the other forums. I’ve never been harassed. You can’t be harassed unless you accept people as friends.

And despite all the fears from a few people here, people don’t spam with friend requests. They tend to only friend people they can play the game with or otherwise know.



Weak argument. You guys don’t have phones?

With your character name I can: see when you are online, send you mail from 50 or more of my characters, send you whispers, look at your progress in game. (edit) See what guild you are in. (edit edit) Harass your guild because I can see what guild you are in.

With your battle tag I can: make a friend request (which you can decline and/or block), … that’s it.


It’s certainly rare, but I was on the receiving end of this kind of behavior to the point of using a Classic toon to limit it. BattleTag would actually eliminate that issue, since the only information they have to contact me would require my authorization for interaction to occur.

Add BattleTags.


Good point actually. I’ve never thought of that.

OP is worried about “Harassment”, and yet there’s disproportionately more ways to interact with somebody then just a free account throwing invites at me. Heck, a free account can already look at my progress (via by armory since it’s public) and see when i’m online with Blizzard’s old school friend’s list.

Honestly, OP, i think if you’re that worried, maybe don’t post on the forums then. Or don’t say silly things. Or maybe don’t because it wouldn’t matter much anyways. I’ve said my fair share of silly stuff and not once i got hate mail, angry whispers, or any sort of “harrassment”. Infact, my interactions with some of the forum members are more rare then Invincible mount. And they have been all positive. Just a little “hi” and “how you doing’s”.

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A while back, someone made a “blacklist” addon and wanted to encourage the community to use it allowing anyone to give feedback on anyone and because I was a dissenter and challenged them, I was “to be taught a lesson” and had “totally realistic” notes about how I was a racist and to be avoided at all cost thus “cancelling” me.

I was soooooooooo shaking in my boots when I was told this and it for realsies affected me. I still look over my shoulder to this day…hashtag eyeroll.

It still is, it’s giving free acess to account information and exactly why I don’t use those forums.

you’d get the same results by locking forums to one character only WITHOUT giving away account details.
Also wouldn’t stop it, I have three battlenet accounts, I could make 50 more if I wanted to.

you literally quoted it yourself…
“A BattleTag™ is a player-chosen nickname that identifies your account
What do you think “identifies your account” means…?

Means they can check who all your characters are, and what all your blizzard games are etc… and people can and will use that negativly. Maybe not everyone and maybe not often, but why even take that risk, again there is 0 reason to make this change what does it acheive? I’ve yet to see any benifits.

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I remember that. The addon was called…nevermind I won’t advertise because it still exists.

That conversation was the only time I have ever received hate mail in game.