Please do hit Anduin with the villian bat

It makes sense to me that since the First War and ESPECIALLY since the Third War for the differences between human kingdoms to appear extremely trivial by comparison to all the other constant crises and invasions.

Especially given that in the immediate aftermath of the Third War humanity had gone from effectively controlling the Eastern Kingdoms to only controlling a handful or relatively remote and isolated cities.

It’s hard to come up with a good real life proxy but it’s like if there was a massive alien invasion IRL that resulted in human civilization in Eurasia, half of Africa, and the Americas being destroyed and what was left of our species was left divided between Perth and Johannesburg.

Russo-Ukrainian border tension probably wouldn’t be talked about all that much afterwards.

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Well I’m not talking just about conflict between humans. I used that as an example just to outline that we basically never see much human aggression. Even against others races, as you said, they’re largely content outside a threat. When it’d make more sense for them to let out some aggression.

You first accused me of wanting the Alliance to never be portrayed as bad guys. When I clarified that’s not the case, you changed track and pretended that your argument was that I wanted the Light to be all good; classic Sharpshooter Fallacy. You’re flip-flopping about the point you wanted to make to pretend you’re right no matter what.

I am expressing concern that villain-batting is the direction they’re going with the story; there’s been all the theories about Turalyon, interviews hinting Velen’s beliefs will play a big role in the next expac, and that Yrel and co will return… I don’t know what they’ll do with Anduin, but I hope it’s written well, though I have my doubts that it will be.

Genn being a villain is doable and I think it could work. Whether Blizz will do it is another matter entirely.

Even if you hit him with the villian bat and removed him and every other annoying character from the story, they will just write other characters just as poorly. The problem with these characters has to do with how they are written, removing them or killing them off is just going to transfer this writing to new characters.

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Please kill sylvanas anduin and baine off The former two needs to be removed permanently from the game and retconned out of ever being born or existing because they are f’ing terrible characters, their existence makes my eyes bleed. If you actually think they are “Fantastic written characters”… Yeah I am not gonna go into details about that as that would get me banned.

And that is something we dont want :slight_smile: .

anyway They are bad characters, as are blizzard bad writers, Sylvanas being called “a villainous character I love” made me physically cringe.

Just retcon them away, they are faaaar worse than Edgelord the Hedgehog. or whatever that meme is.

Same could be said for Anduin ‘sue’ wrynn.

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Why Baine? Like, if the SLs intro revealed anything its that unlike Anduin and Sylvanas, Baine is not a writers pet. Rather, he’s just the Pet of a writers Pet (which is the big problem with him ATM). In this case Anduin. So, theoretically, if you really are going to go to extent of axing Anduin himself; a lot of the functional issues with Baine (and how’s he’s used) would go with him. Not saying that this would automatically make him a good character, but … he’s a Plot-Device. You get rid of his need to be one, who knows what could happen?

Im gonna kill the boy king and the litch king is king of the allinces

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The Spanish Inquisition ended over 180 years ago. Everyone responsible for its crimes died over 100 years ago. Get over it. There’ s a difference between learning from history and using ancient history to justify modern prejudice.

As for violence, everybody suffers… but if you think Christians don’t suffer too, look up church shootings (the Sutherland Springs Church Shooting comes to mind) or church burnings, or check out the situation in places like Saudi Arabia and China.

I ask the exact nature of someone’s trauma here to find the truth… because the fact remains that people can lie and say they’re victims when they really aren’t. Not accusing anyone, just stating a fact.

Yes it does. I’ve come to realize and accept that. Still doesn’t make the scenario “Mag’har good/Lightbound bad” or vica versa.

Villain-batting and killing off characters people whine about has never worked out well for anyone. Especially since inevitably people miss them later and suddenly get rose-coloured glasses.

That bit about the mechagnome king is really grasping at straws; iirc Luciferians actually worship the devil, Satanists use it to mean both devil worship and a pseudo-religious statement of rebellion. Plus Lucifer/Satan don’t exist in any way in the WoW universe (at least not post-retcon). The definition of “religion” is debated… and the criteria for the term often moved by ideologues to suit their agendas.

I’ve never seen Genn practicing any Light worship so I don’t think he is, and I’m not sure about Jaina.

Being based on real-life religious figures doesn’t mean they’re a religious adherent. Malfurion has students, not worshippers. I’ll concede he is a religious person, worshipping the Wild Gods.

And what is that difference? Again, should people just not mention it?

Is that what I said?

Because you are complaining about people talking about the Spanish Inquisition.

The motivation of which seems unclear. Some suspect it was because he wanted to get his mother in law. Apparently he also liked what Dylan Roof did, which was racially motivated.

But that’s neither here nor there. I accept everyone faces some level of suffering. Not for what you’re taking exception to.

Do you think it’d be appropriate if I questioned at length whether or not you’re really a Christian while implying you’re being dishonest? For all I know, you’re not. But I don’t really think that’s a great line to question when I can just accept the likely face value for what it is.

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The problem is the phrase “recovering Catholic” itself, makes it sound like “recovering alcoholic”.

Correct me if I’m wrong, “women’s bodies and reproductive health” sounds like a pro-choice dog whistle (from the issue pro-life vs pro-choice revolves around), or is there more to it?

I don’t know where you got the idea that the Catholic Church considers women property, and in wanting to help women and LBGT people, do you do anything about their abuse in general or do you single out the Catholic Church. This reply was polite, but I’ve seen less polite replies from you on subjects like this.

He’s already a villain.

In Before the Storm he pulled the “I’m King” card and I remember what we thought about that in GOT.

People can mention and learn from the Spanish Inquisition.

The problem is people tend to use it as fodder for prejudice against still living Catholics/Christians and single out Christianity/the Catholic Church (and I think at some level you know that, but don’t want to acknowledge it). That is why I’m complaining; there’s still more outrage for the Spanish Inquisition which ended nearly 200 years ago vs 9/11 which was less than 20 years ago.

The Sutherland Springs Church Shooting was motivated by a mix of the shooter’s mental issues, hatred of his mother in law and anti-religious prejudice. He threatened his mother in law, but also mocked the entire congregation before shooting wildly into the congregation (why do that if he’s after only one person?). He also got really into online anti-religious content before the shooting.

It doesn’t bother me if you question whether my faith is genuine… nor does it bother me that you just tired to imply it’s not. Your quote-mining and passive-aggressive accusations say more about you than me. But the only proof I - or anyone else - can give here is words.

I hope Anduin’s writing gets at least as much thought put into it as this discussion, then the story could go in so many directions, especially if Anduin escapes from the Jailer’s clutches.

Just seems incredibly disrespectful to me.

Again, when is the Spanish Inquisition used for prejudice? For 9/11, we’ve seen obvious racial profiling, the Trump Muslim Ban, etc. What actual recent issues have happened because of the Spanish Inquisition?

You can’t point to examples of The Spanish Inquisition motivating anything like 9/11 does.

What’s wrong with that? It doesn’t imply alcohol is bad. Just that they personally had a bad experience with it.


When is the Spanish Inquisition used for prejudice? Where do I begin?

In addition to how it’s been used for prejudice against Hispanic people (being part of the “Black Legend of Spain”), it’s been used to justify religious profiling, Catholics being banned from Norway for decades in the 19th century, the Great Fire of London was blamed on Catholics, “Inquisition” is still used as a byword for religious intolerance and authoritarianism in the UK and it has been one of the rallying points for prejudice among the New Atheist Movement to name a few.

While you might have a point about “recovering Catholic”, could a former Muslim say they’re a “recovering Muslim” or a newly converted atheist say they’re a “recovering atheist”?

I don’t think there’s any modern religious profiling because of the inquisition.

We’re in the twenty-first century.

It was hundred of years ago.

Sorry, I should have made it clear. I meant recently.
So maybe british people vaguely do?

Sure. I don’t see any issue with that.

Sounds like you’re moving the goalposts, but I’ll give the benefit of the doubt.

I think the Inquisition plays a major role in anti-Catholic discrimination. Plus, if the thing is modern issues, why should people bring up the Inquisition at all?

The anti-Catholic ban in Norway went from 1814 - 1842, following the dissolution of Denmark-Norway/the Treaty of Kiel.

I am glad you’re not practicing those double standards I’ve seen from ideologues.