Please Disable Twinking or allow people to queue for NON-twink bg's

Shrug. It’s not really twinking at level 60, but is it really any different when a fresh 60 is fighting a gm/hwl/someone in naxx gear?

So what is your source then?
If this idea is so popular how come it isn’t implemented in retail?
And while your at it.
How do you ensure twinks que for their own bgs?
How do you ensure twinks have decent que times?
How is facing twinks any different then facing people who drastically outgear you?

It is.


When blizzard added exp to BG’s and made exp off BG’s the exp off(twink) BG’s died off while exp on bg’s did fine. I’d say twinking is vastly less popular than some people claimed it was.

They did it by adding exp to BG’s and giving twinks the option to queue for exp off BG’s in their own queue.

It proved that the twinks who claimed they were in it for a pvp challenge were lying through their teeth. If they were interesting in legitimate pvp their queue times wouldn’t have suffered.

And if all they care about is killing something with no chance of fighting back, well they can go kill level 1 boars.

except it’s not. twinking isn’t as common, but it isn’t segregated.

I think it may be…


either way. doesn’t need to be in vanilla.

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An authentic experience doesn’t mean make “improvements” to the game.


especially when people can’t even agree what is an improvement and what isn’t.

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Blizzard just reinstated separate BG queues for players with XP off.

The evidence does seem to indicate most players that twink do so not to fight other’s twinks as they claim, but rather to steamroll lesser geared players. This evidence is not just the fact that the twinking community drastically diminished practically overnight when separate queues for XP off players were first introduced, but also the crying on the GD forums now and the mental gymnastics those that are crying are using to justify their desire to steamroll lesser geared players.

Having said that, you are correct that twinks we’re not segregated in vanilla and, IMO, should not be segregated in classic.

I think we can all see why at least one poster in this thread wants that change that would take classic further from vanilla.


When did they increase the minimum lvls for enchants? I feel like that more than anything else made twinks ridiculous…

I would raise the min. level on the extremely powerful enchants…like crusader, highest agility, etc…

No changes.



It was BC I think. Anyway, the min levels more made it so twinks weren’t as powerful because twinks would still just get the highest level of the enchant they could.

Yea thats fair enough… I forget when the min lvl on enchants were changed, I think it was a good change overall. twinks still got to be powerful, just not broken…

Having a twink rogue walk around at lvl 29 with unholy and crusader, is a little silly xD

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is a little awesome* xD


Probably is for the twink, but you should probably consider the wellbeing everyone else…

Idc that much in the end… my 2 cents they should raise the min level on enchants… but if they don’t. That’s okay too.

I agree with you that it is okay no matter what, ultimately. Still, twinking is a super way to pass time, imo. It can be done with or without a 60. Just takes some time. The ‘I don’t want to put in the time others do, please change the game’ folks get tiring is all.

I was never advocating to stop twinking… I plan to twink too. Just the enchants are on a whole another level. You can still make a very effective and strong twink without them.

You type truth Hailiaxx.