Please DEV read this, you still have time to fix this mess

The new reworked general tree is bad and here is why.

First part of the tree:
a) Coldthirst(12 sec interrupt) should be switched with something, no need to force us to pick 12 sec interrupt, it should be a situational choice.
b) Blinding sleet cooldown reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. This is the most obvious thing we need right now going into new expansion. Druid’s roar is 30 seconds cdd, why is ours 60?
c) Will Sacrificial pact talent ever be good? Can we make it deal actual damage?

Second part of the tree:
Mostly well designed, except for the Supression talent. A lot of utility you can switch inbetween, that is nice. Soul reaper is now available for all 3 specs in m+ which is very nice. But from BDK perspective Supression talent is useless and it block us from taking Insidious chill. I am not sure why would you pick Insidious chill as UDK\FDK but as BDK you can’t take it anymore. Weird, should be fixed.

Third part of the tree. Bottom.
This is just terrible. What a mess.
a) Runic protection is useless for all 3 specs. Why would you ever take this as dps i am not sure, why would you ever take this as a tank if you lose on abom limb and aoe ams?
b) Subduing grasp is useless for all 3 specs. What is this? What the hell is this? This is crap, useless, i have no words to describe how bad this talent is.
c) Osmosis is uselss for all 3 specs. Once again, 2 points for nothing. Healing recieved increase? As blood you deathstrike to full hp anyways, as UDK\FDK your AMS already covers a whole mechanic, why would we want a healing increase?
And all these talents cost 2 points? Why?
d) Abomination limb change is weird unless it gets compensated somehow in the spec trees.
e) Blood draw. Wow. This is another terrible talent. So , you never pick this as UDK\FDK obviously no need to explain why. And on BDK you drop to 30% all the time and these bonuses are crap and 3 minute cooldwons is insanely huge. Useless talent.
f) Vestigal shell is a very nice utility , i love it a lot . But why would we ever take Null magic in any situation? Raid perspective, m+ perspective, you always take Vestigal shell. No brainer here, weird.
g) Where . Is. ERW?

There are some good changes like execute availability and AMS utility, but overall it’s very poorly designed. I am not even sure this is better than the current tree. We lose ERW yet we get some weird utility in exchange. I don’t understand this at all. How is this so bad. Please communicate with us, don’t let this mess go live.


It’s supposedly to just be a utility ability now (with some meh damage). Not that I agree with the change but that’s the idea. I’d rather just have Gorefiends there with an easy accessible upgrade for Blood in that tree.

In the Frost tree to cut back on the class’s resource generation.

From blood perspective:
Abom limb was a very solid big pull button with a boneshield geneartion.For UDK\FDK maybe the side effect wasn’t that great, but for blood you can limb-drw-tombstone instantly without being left with 0 bone shield charges. Anyway, we can’t see the whole picture before we see reworked talent tree for blood.
ERW loss for blood and unholy is not near close compensated here.

“Fix this mess”.

The tree is way better than it was before.


Not by much, the pathing is a bit better and not having so much power in the capstone is a step in the right direction, but most of the nodes you are pathing through are garbage and the new capstone stuff is horrendous. aside from the AMS and WoTN nodes.

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Way better? The bottom part is disaster, 2 point talents before capstones are purely cosmetic. And capstones? Blood draw is trash, abom limb is nerfed to the ground and 1 good utility option. No, it’s not way better. They had the whole expansion to learn from their mistakes and they didn’t.


Pathing is better for some things but the top and bottom tiers need more diverging talents. We shouldn’t be forced to throughput into things like Coldthirst in T1 and 2 points to access capstones (which is also an FDK problem).

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Class tree capstone level is really disappointing now. Why are they all defensives?
Blood Draw doesn’t feel good enough to be a capstone, and Runic Protection leading into it is next to useless for a DPS.
Abomination Limb giving no procs/resources is fine, but I’d like it to get some actual damage to compensate. Subduing Grasp as a prerequisite talent is again purely defensive and offers very low value to DPS DK.
Null Magic sounds great and Vestigial Shell should be situationally good, but Osmosis is another purely defensive talent that only provides situational value.

I don’t think any of these are bad talents, but overall they’re very disappointing as capstones. I’d actually consider not taking any of them and just investing more points higher in the tree instead.

It’s extremely awkward at the bottom, and Soul Reaper looks extremely out of place on its row, as it is effectively last DPS ability standing on the tree.

I am excited that I might finally be able to take Will of the Necropolis as UH without a DPS loss.

Can we get the people working on the monk tree to work on DK instead, please?


Subduing grasp offers 0 value to bdk also.

Because having defensives and utility as capstones is infinitely better than having throughput.

Beneath the 20 gate needs some serious work but having throughput capstones is poor design.