bump, to the top
To the top we go, bump
bump, hello friends
final bump of the night from me
bump, to the top
Bump for some more healers, specifically Priests, rsham and rdruid
bump, to the top
All the way to the top
198 ilvl hpally interested my btag is Solerenth#1615 discord is Solerenth#7770
Adding you
I’m a 198 ilvl holy priest LFG. btag is Ver#1152, discord info is Ver#9912. I’ll add you on Discord so we can talk!
Added on bnet
bump, to the top
back up we go
evening bump
205 ilevel rsham 10/10n 6/10h kills with 40 plus pulls on dark lady and sludge(all pug), 6% and 5% wipes. Looking for a good guild. Bnet unknxwn#1555. I am able to attend raid times.
bump, to da top
to the top we go
Extremely high priority to RL role
bump, to the top