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I am currently looking for a guild to raid with, run keys with, hangout in discord and just enjoy each others company. My schedule doesnt start to regulate till next week when more companys start to open. I am a little undergeared right now but will be working on it. Before i had to step away i was 12/12h 3/12m and had pulls on shad and hivemind. In guild search progression isnt the only thing i am looking for i am also looking for people to enjoy the game with and enjoy each others company.

So raid wise i CANNOT raid wednesdays but all other days should be free game the best time for me is to raid after 6pm but ooen to other times would just need to change around work schedule more.

Classes i am looking to play.
Shadow/disc priest (will dabble in holy)
Holy/ ret pally (will dabble in prot)
MW / WW monk (will dabble in BM)
Optional would be resto/ele shaman
(Dont really like druid)
As you can see i like to play classes that heal :slight_smile: would prefer to heal but i can flex or dps as long as at some point in the tier i can heal a boss or 2.

Just hoping to find a guild that wants to groe together and kill pixels.

I look forward to hear from you feel free to drop info below, or reach out to me at my discord Sarok#7979 or my Battlenet Sarok#11526. Thanks for taking the time to read this look forward to hearing back from you.