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Nocturnal Sun on Area52 has a newly forming team recruiting for AotC, we will do mythic once AotC is done. Looking for raiders committed to personal improvement, as well as contributing to a fun team environment. We also take social apps for those not wanting to commit to raiding!

Raid times:
-Sat & Sun 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST

Team Goals:
-AoTC & Mythic Progression at our pace. As we are not in any sort of race mythic progression will be done at a pace that feels comfortable to the team once we reach our goal of AotC.

Team Needs:
High priority to healers or dps with heal off spec, high need for melee classes though DPS of all kinds please contact Jess, exceptional dps will always be considered!

Requirements – Min ilvl of 400 and min neck level of 50 for normal clears, basic knowledge of fights.

About Nocturnal Sun:
-We are a new team; however, a number of the players have raided together before and were 6/8H before this change was made.

  • We are an adult guild, if the occasional joking with each other and swearing bother you then we aren’t the guild for you!
    -We consider the enjoyment of the game and loyalty more important then your parse!

Team Expectations:
-We expect all raiders to hold themselves accountable, take ownership of your mistakes and learn from them. Help is always available if you aren’t understanding something or need clarification.
-We expect each team member to come prepared knowing the strategies for each boss before entering raid by looking at strat/kill videos/warcraftlogs replays.
-We expect all raiders to be able to take constructive criticism well so they can look into their own logs/wowanalyzer to improve their gameplay wherever it is needed.
-We expect raiders to have appropriate addons installed and updated before raid; we use Angry Assignments, GTFO and Weak Auras - this is not optional.

To apply contact:
-Jesseika#11484 (Discord Jesseika#6725) Jessieka
Or fill out an app here

We formed during Legion and were pushing mythic content right out the gate. We all decided to step away from the game during Uldir due to lack of interest in the content among the guild. Recently about 10 of us have gotten together and decided to return to the game.

Weds 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)
Thurs 11pm-2am Server (9pm-midnight PST)

What We Are Looking For:
Fun is definitely our motivating factor (which is why we agreed as a whole to step away from the game when players did not find it fun). A large factor though is definitely progression and seeing as much content as possible. We are seeking players with a positive attitude that understand an error correction is not a personal attack.

Current Progression:


Classes Needed:
Like I said with us recently returning, no classes are off the table. That being said recruiting has been actually popping off for us and we have been finding people faster than expected. We will still be open to any exceptional applicants, but we are largely favoring Ranged DPS atm!

My Bnet: ChugsBleach#1280

I know we’re not a weekend guild, but if u have any interest in our raid times plz msg me!

we are progressing mythic, need a spriest, hmu


Guild & Server/Faction: Efficient Stormrage-US :Alliance:
Raid Times/Days: Friday & Saturday 8-11pm EST
Cleared: 3/8M Realm 43 US 718 - 8/9M Realm 47 US 800
Recruitment Contacts: Battletag: Karma#12379 or Discord: Kàrmâ#5681
Requirements: Previous Mythic experience, Cutting Edge mindset & current Warcraft logs
Needs: Currently looking for healer & a couple DPS to knock out Eternal Palance with us. Will consider anyone who has the drive, passion and commitment to be part of our team. We are also looking for more interested in pushing M+ keys.

My team is currently 1/8M with AOTC. We raid T/Th heroic 9-11pm est (optional for mythic team) and W/F is mythic prog 8:30-11pm est. My btag is UnholyMalia#1842 or discord Malia #3497. Hope to hear from you!

Goodmorning! I’m Smitty and I’m the raid leader of [H][US-Area 52] we are a newish guild, formed in March 2019. We are an adult only guild with the purpose of being a positive and helpful community.

We run M+s on a daily basis, we make sure everyone has their M10 done for the weekly.

We teach those how to do M+s if they aren’t sure, and we thrive to do the best we can.

We offer guild repairs, feasts, flasks, gems and enchants to everyone.

We raid Friday and Saturday 8:00 to 11:00pm EST. We are currently 8/8N 6/8H, we achieved 9/9H BoD and 2/2H Crucible since forming. We are currently looking for DPS Warrior, RANGE DPS to help finalize our raid team, we currently have 15-18 core.

Once we are finish with AOTC we will do Mythic progression, we have a few new people to Mythic so we are going to introduce Mythic in a nice positive manner instead of a toxic community. We are there to help one another become a better player instead of just disrespectful to one another.

If this sounds like home to you, feel free to add me on Bnet to talk more. InTheShadows#1278

<Alliance Lives Matter> - We just transferred to the largest alliance server in the game, Stormrage!

Currently 4/8M, 8/8H EP [first week aotc] , 9/9M BoD [ce] , 2/2H CoS 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 server on our server group.

Currently US 140 for Mythic BoD. Killed Jaina multiple times before the hardcore nerfs and reclear her every week.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 brew tank, 1 disc+holy priest, 1 holy paladin, 2 ranged dps(strong preference for warlock, ele sham, s priest) 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer monk or warrior… Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: We are pushing hard for famed slayer in eternal palace and need like minded driven competitive individuals with the same goal [IN PROGRESS]. To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.~

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Stormrage

Take a look

Who: Cloudy Day is a semi-hardcore guild. 2/2H CoS. 9/9M BoD. 6/8M Uldir.
What: What does it mean to be semi hardcore? We expect our raiders to come prepared, know their classes, and not consistently wipe the raid with easy boss mechanics.
When: Friday & Saturday @ 10pm EST to 2am
Where: Horde and high pop Zul’Jin server
Why: Why us? The guild started as a group of military friends just trying to down bosses. We evolved to be AOTC oriented then evolved to doing our best in mythic Now can you help us keep getting CEs? Despite our military roots we are somewhat of a PC culture guild. We do not view that as a bad thing. Most of us are pushing 30 (or more) with families. Being an edgelord is not something that impresses us. We do not tolerate sexism-racism-hom/transphobia. We just want to have fun downing bosses together. While we are mature and friendly, we are progress oriented so strong play is required.

Any potential trials must have logs from BoD, be ilvl 430+, and atleast 3/8M. Though we have specific needs any exceptional player(with proof from logs) will be considered.

High Needs:
Shadow Priest
DPS Warrior
Demon Hunter

Any high parsing DPS as mythic raid spots are competitive

Quick Guild App:

Contact: Akishmi#1849 (Bnet) or AaronKish#6048 (Discord - preferred)


Prevenge is a semi-hardcore raiding guild located on the Laughing Skull/Cho’gall/Auchindoun connected realms.

Prevenge was founded during Burning Crusade as a friends and family guild focused primarily on dungeons and 10-man raiding. The raid, in its current form, started during Tier 11 (Cataclysm) as a casual 10-man group. During Mists of Pandaria, the guild experienced explosive growth and sustained two 10-man raid groups in addition to a separate 25-man raid group. With the inception of 20-man raiding during Warlords of Draenor, Prevenge shifted its focus to support a single progression-minded raid group while striving to maintain a fun environment.

Current Progression: 3/8M (EP), 2/2H (COS), 9/9M CE (BoD), 8/8M CE (Uldir)

Goal: Cutting Edge

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday/Thursday from 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM CST

Recruitment Contact: Eilonwy#1706 (Bnet), Braelyn#1925 (Discord)



  • Balance Druid (High)
  • Rogue (Any) (High)
  • Shadow Priest (High)
  • Warlock (Any) (Medium)
  • Warrior (Arms/Fury) (Medium)

Hello, we are recruiting:

Lint Roll My Carpet | Horde | Mal’Ganis

We raid Saturday and Sunday, 1:00am-3:30am CST


We are <Alone>, a seasoned raiding guild on Aerie Peak. Currently recruiting high caliber players for a semi-casual raiding team whose focus is first and foremost mythic raiding progression. An ideal raider in <Alone> is one who is an expert in their class, but also experienced in other classes or roles. In order to make the most of our limited raiding time, it is imperative that the raider be mature, clear of mind, and capable of adapting to the different situations that can occur during a progression encounter.

In order to be a successful raider, you must be able to maintain a high level of attendance for our scheduled raids. These raids are mandatory and, outside of external situations, each raider is expected to fully participate in each scheduled raid.

DPS: Ele Shaman , Shadow Priest, Warlocks
HEALER: Disc Priest, Holy Pally

Friday from 9:30pm EST to 12:30am EST
Saturday from 9:30pm EST to 12:30am EST

Wednesday from 8:30pm EST to 11:30pm EST


Apply at

Hihi, we’re looking for ranged DPS.

Vice - Horde, Area 52
3/8m EP, 9/9M BoD CE
Fri/Sat 9-midnight EST

Gub#1148 (GM) or Breathe#1185


furyon#1793 Not gonna spam you with a copy paste. My guild is a newer one a group of former CE players raiding on Sat 8pm-12am EST just one day. All are 8/8H with some of us having several mythic kills. Looking for more range dps.

Good luck in your search

Hi! We are Volatile, alliance weekend raiding guild on Llane-Arygos and we are looking for a shadow priest to fill that one sweet dps spot. We are currently 8/8H and 1/8M EP. We have a laid back raiding environment but we do have progression in mind. Please add vcronwen#1282 and mabelle#1433 if interested to chat.

Hello Nizoth,

Not sure if you have found a new raid team/guild yet, but wanted to reach out and tell you about our team:

Team Valiant [A] in Eternal Kingdom (Proudmoore US) raids on Friday and Saturday nights from 6-9 PST. We are currently 7/8 H in EP and were 3/9M in BoD, AOTC in both BoD and CoS.

Valiant is a relaxed and friendly raiding environment committed to working together to progress through current heroic content. Valiant is a dedicated and constructive team for those who are either looking to progress beyond normal difficulty or those who are experienced raiders looking for a heroic weekend team, with mythic progression.

Contact Information
Team Lead: Curat, Discord: Curat#0513 or BTag: Alaric#1485
Recruitment (me): Katterina, Discord: Evaedor#1387 or Btag: Antnyp85#1186

About Eternal Kingdom:

Eternal Kingdom is a large World of Warcraft multi-guild gaming community based on the Proudmoore realm for Alliance and Area 52 for Horde. We formed in 2013 with a very clear goal: Make the world a better place! Gaming is what we love to do but it isn’t just pixels and polygons for us. We understand that while playing a video game we can also create positive change for ourselves and for others. More information on our guild philosophy can be found on our guild information page on our website.

There are also a wide array guild events including multiple weekly Normal and Heroic fun runs, farming parties, guild contests etc so there is always something fun to do. Information on our various guild events are available on our website.

Imperial Guard 1/8M 8/8H Fri/Sat 7-11 CST that has been killing bosses since 2012. We are looking for players that are interested in killing bosses and enjoying content together. Currently in need of 1 Healer (Monk/Disc/Druid) other strong applicants will be considered. Also high priority on multi-role classes. Also recruiting all roles for our weekday raid team Wed/Thur 7-10 3/8H.

Guild Achievements
Eternal Palace 8/8H
Uldir 2/8M 8/8H
ABT 3/11M 11/11H
ToS 9/9H
NH 3/10M 10/10H
ToV 3/3H
EN 6/6H

Contact Info
GM: Btag Tiekenee#1613 Discord: Thirdpint1124
Officer: Rebocop18#1419
Weekday RL: ryudude#1257

We are currently 8/8 H and are looking for all roles for The Eternal Palace to fill the rest of out roster to start on mythic prog.
Expectations of mythic raiders

  • Maintain Gem and Enchants on your gear
  • Have good attendance when it comes to mythic raiding (90% or above)
  • Able to communicate through voice chat
  • Able to take constructive criticism
  • Maintain knowledge about your class/spec
  • Know the fights ahead of time or at least have read a summary

Raid consumables (flasks) are covered as well as feasts. We expect raiders to maximize the use of these tools. Additionally, all raid repairs are paid by the guild bank.

Optional Tuesday
Tuesdays is our laid back raid night. It’s more of a loot grab for Alts. Casuals are encouraged to participate!

Current Recruitment
Just looking for a guild? Not looking to raid? Not geared to raid? Give us a try! We take casuals and under geared alike! Taking good people for good times!

Classes in high demand

  • Boomkin - Druid
  • Demon Hunter - Dps
  • Lock
  • Priest - Shadow
  • Shaman - Elemental
    Any exceptional player of any class always considered

If you have any questions feel free to contact one of our officers in game
Officers: Crocker#1180/Adz#1372/Little#1359

US-Area 52 - Horde

Focus: Semi-Hardcore Mythic Raiding and Dungeons

8/8H EP

3/9M 9/9H BoD

Mythic Raid Times

  • Friday 10pm - 1am EST
  • Saturday 10pm - 1am EST

Optional Raid Times

  • Tuesday 9pm - 11pm E

Heya, if your weekend raid times are flexible to include Sun and Mon night raiding,
here’s our guild spiel below. If not, consider this a free bump to your post :slight_smile:

Guild: Hive on Hyjal/US
Team: The Swarm
Raid Times: Sun/Mon 8:30-11:30 EST (5:30-8:30 PST)
Current Expac Progression: 4/8M EP, CE Uldir, CE BfD

High Priority Need: Ranged DPS Mage, Priest, or Warlock

The Swarm is a cutting-edge focused team which still emphasizes community and enjoyment above all else. We raid 2 nights a week, the expectation is that you’re able to have fun but when it’s time to focus up you can play your class at a high level. More detailed background can be found on our wowprogress page.

For more info, DM me or friend me on discord: dysonfm#6085