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Lets chat on Discord.
You would be an ideal fit in my guild. We’re an older group with jobs/family and try to make the most of our game time. We focus on M+ and AOTC raiding, we also have a growing community for pushing keys past KSH. We raid Fri/Sat 8-1030PM EST. Let me know if you’re interested. My discord is Arriesa#9139.
Hey, wanted to throw us out there into the mix. We are an older crowd, very dad friendly (the dad jokes are strong), most of us have families, young kids, and RL to take care of.
We raid Thursday & Saturday 7:30pm-9:30pm CST and usually are on and ding things on off nights. I’ll put our guild post here and if we sound like a good fit the let me know and we can chat some more!
Hey there!
You definitely sound like a fit for us!
We created this guild because many of us are parents, have big boy jobs, and play stuff other than wow sometimes
We raid Wed 8-11EST. We were 8/8 Heroic and 2/8 Mythic but mythic was literally just for fun after AotC and totally optional as we are NOT (we don’t want to be) a mythic guild. We are more hard core raiders that are parents now… we consider ourselves soft core We have ilevel requirements to be sure that people aren’t wasting our 1 night because they aren’t keeping up, but otherwise - we don’t have any out of raid requirements. We aren’t looking for healers, but do currently lack an Ele Sham
We run mythics and play other games most other nights of the week.
If you would like to talk more, my discord is Ginger # 4097
Hey! you might fit great with us! Were all older adults, and most of us have kids. So, we’ve been there with the new parent thing! We have a strong Life>game policy and no mandatory attendance policy on raiders at all. We are Horde on Hyjal, but do also fill our raid and mythic groups through a community as well.
We mainly raid norm into heroic and lots of mythic+. Raid times are 5-7pm PST weds and sat, with mythics pretty much every night.
Feel free to hit me up on discord if you have any questions. faceeroll #2655