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Hey there! Bold may be a good fit for you! We are 6/8M on Stormrage (Alliance).

We raid Sat/Sun from 8:30-12 est. There is also an optional heroic raid on Fridays.
We are ending season 1 after this weekend after killing Dathea, and plan to use the time until next season to recharge and regroup so that we can attain CE in EON.

Hit me up on bnet for more info. Reluctor#1255

Hello, tichondrius horde. We are recruiting for next raid tier. We went 2/8 mythic and haven’t been pushing further as we are working on recruiting more. Piglet#3439 on discord If you want some more info!

I remember this one.

Hey disco, def interested in your prot and also your raid leading does peak some interest as well. added you on discord will leave my guild spam below for some reference.

Thanks Toby for reaching out.