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Hi, a small bit about the guild: I’ve had it since vanilla and have been running raids since Karazhan. Started on Nazjatar, moved to Stormreaver when MoP hit, then finally to Mal’Ganis at the end of BFA. Friendly overall environment, definitely an adult guild however.
With that out of the way, BF is looking for:

First and foremost a Raid Leader: play anything, we have spots open in all places.

-A Healer: Priest, Paladin, Monk, Shaman


-Havoc Demon Hunter



-WW Monk

-Balance Druid

-Shadow Priest

-Considering all!

We raid on Thurs/Sun @ 8-11PM CST as well as optional raid days around the early weeks of tiers. Also Mythic+ happening constantly throughout the week. DM me here, on bnet: Basu#11316, on Discord: Kain#4982, or in game: Kaiñ(alt164)-Mal’Ganis! Paid transfers considered! Thanks for you consideration!

Got a couple more kills tonight! Still recruiting!

I would be interested if you still need a prot warrior. Usually I’m an AotC pug raider, but I’m looking for something more coordinated this patch.

I’ll hit you up on BNet/Discord later today.

Updated our needs, reallllllllly needing a Vengeance DH!

I can be interested if you would be interested in a Retribution Paladin. Been playing since Original TBC. Took a break mid MoP-Dragonflight and really enjoying this xpac. ilv 388
I understand what you are looking for, this is just merely to let you know I could be interested if you change up your needs in the future.
I also have screenies of a recent LFR i did with top DPS numbers.

Thanks for your consideration :slight_smile:

We are now only really in the market for a Prot Warrior/Blood DK/Vengeance DH! One slot currently open, HMU!

Hi! Still considering a balance druid for our group!

Urgent need for a Vengeance DH!

Still in need of a VDH, Ele Shaman and Balance Druid! HMU!

added you on bnet
here’s a post about my group: 5 players (2500+ & 2/8m+) looking to continue progression on Sargeras
disregard mention about the realm, we’re willing to transfer
1 tank + 4 dps

Looking for a Blood DK and still on the eternal lookout for a Balance Druid(s)!

Blood Death Knights, please step forwarddddddddd!

Revised to expand tank net!

Updated needs!

Looking for a few more DPS to join our raid team!

Expanding our recruitment field for mythic raid! Carefully considering new members to blast some mythic bosses…hmu!

Added warlock to our recruitment!

We are in need of a raid leader to move into mythic raid content!

Updated our needs! Trialing a tank and healer right now, still need the above listed!