Hi, a small bit about the guild: I’ve had it since vanilla and have been running raids since Karazhan. Started on Nazjatar, moved to Stormreaver when MoP hit, then finally to Mal’Ganis at the end of BFA. Friendly overall environment, definitely an adult guild however.
With that out of the way, BF is looking for:
-Vengeance Demon Hunter
-Balance Druid
We went 6/10M in CN, 8/10M in SoD and 3/11M in Sepulcher. We raid on Thurs/Mon @ 8-11PM CST as well as optional raid days around the early weeks of tiers. Also Mythic+ happening constantly throughout the week. DM me here, on bnet: Basu#11316, on Discord: Kain#4982, or in game: Kaiñ(alt164)-Mal’Ganis! Paid transfers considered! Thanks for you consideration!
I also have an Alliance guild, Barkin Frontier-Mal’Ganis for those of you that enjoy playing the blue side!
Heroic Fated CN - Clear! Still recruiting Ranged DPS!
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All Range or just certain class?
I’d consider all, we definitely need a mage and I wouldn’t mind a balance druid.
Still recruiting a few ranged to flesh out our group and possibly poke a few mythic bosses!
Still looking for ranged DPS, only exception is hunter…we have several of those! Also now looking for tanks and heals for S4 and Dragonflight!
Our roster is switching some roles around so we have a Healer spot open as well as the Tank position and several Ranged DPS spots to fill as well! Looking to try and expand our core playerbase!
Still recruiting Ranged DPS for Dragonflight! Really wanting to get another few core members to hook on to our mythic raid team for DF, come join us for a Heroic Fated raid and trial!
We are still looking for a few Ranged DPS for our roster in Dragonflight!
All full up on DPS, though I’d still consider outstanding individuals! Had a tank drop out so now we’re in the market for a tank! The tank we have is Vengeance DH so we’re looking for anything not that!
Got a tank trial! Still would consider a balance druid and elemental shaman
First post of Dragonflight! We’re looking for a Vengeance DH tank and a Balance Druid!