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This guild is the home you are looking for, come give us a try, and you will agree!


Looking for more flex healers for raiding!

hi hi! i’m a returning player from retail tbc times. i played classic tbc last year but kinda fell off after kara/ & an abandoned server/guild quit. which is actually my only raiding exp in wow. i gave retail a shot w/ the free shadowlands exp. i’ve yet to start the shadowlands expac, so not sure how long itll take to prog thru to be raid ready, but i have leveled up my two toons - lvl49 resto druid is my bread and butter, i also have a warlock lv44. i have little knowledge of content past wotlk so im lookin for a guild that’ll maybe help ease my transition/fill me with more knowledge a bit more about retail. if you have room for me i’d love to join! :slight_smile:


sure we’d love to have you! msg me on discord Jem#6738

this is my main toon lol whoops!

discord is kinda confusing for me lmao i think i sent a friend req (hope i did) i couldnt figure out how to send a DM - moonjuice#1746 is my handle

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:open_mouth: We are now 10/10 Normal Fated Sanctum!

In need of a few more flex healers!

Still looking for more! :heart:

In need of a few more healers!

we TOTALLY just downed holondrus with a tank that never tanked a raid in wow before, and with a raid leader thats never raid led bc out real raid leader got a migraine and had to leave 3 bosses ago and our fill in raid leader got dc’ed! :open_mouth:

still looking for more raiders & regular members as well! <3

looking for more raiders & casual players!

still looking for more casual/social members!

Hello, are you still searching for a healer? If so let me know.
Have a nice day.

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