*Please Delete This Thread*

imho people are tired of a grindy wow, shouldn’t take 13 weeks for a cloak, quit mine at 5 due to i didn’t want be stuck in a grind, let alone was not even considering the other 15 120 alts I have doing it. Also imho leveling gear it stupid and just a time wasting tool the devs use to try to get people playing more.


MMO’s have always been grindy and if you don’t like grinds maybe you shouldn’t be playing an MMO? If you’re tired of the game maybe that’s a you problem and maybe people need to take a break?

Maybe not have so many alts? If you have to have that many alts to keep yourself entertained, are you really enjoying the game?

I find enough to do during the week with just this one character.

NAh ill keep playing and leave when i feel wow dosnt offer the entertainment for the 15 bucks a month, but i would like to play without grindy gear leveling sessions.


What does it matter? Would you feel good if you had to earn dollars, rupees and yen to buy different things at the supermarket? Yen for noodles in the asian food isle, dollars for your milk, and rupees for your vegetables?

If it’s a purchaseable item with a currency you’d have to spend time to go earn that currency. Then you couldn’t use them interchangeably once you finish buying one thing.

Next complaint: “I have all these Malefic-Bucks spare and now I have all my cores I have nothing to spend them on”.

You have to grind in every part of WoW to actually get something.

What do you do when you log in? (I mean, which activities?)

Dont matter what I do, i found a few remaining activities to keep me occupied in the game at the moment, but with every little manipulation they add to the game to slow my progress (Throttle my game play) takes me one step closer to leaving due to the game being less fun to play, that not a threat but just how I feel, i am starting to look at other games to play and spend my money on. I am sure other people feel the same way also. If not then its just how i feel.


Honestly none of this is really fun on a main either.

You are deluding yourself if you think this whole system isn’t designed to keep you subbed and grinding out the same non-sense you have been doing for months.

Why do you think you get currency from emissaries, heroic warfronts, and all the non-sense you should have graduated past in 8.1.

No one makes an alt to run more emissaries.

Also you act as if the gearing grind no longer exists. So this isn’t in lieu of, this is in addition to.

So if you are going to add a “catch-up” mechanic - at the very least don’t re-use the most sought after resource.

Now you have to play a juggling act of what is BiS for me right now: the corruption given my current resistance, weighed against current/next rotation, weighed against which essences I have or how quick they are to unlock w/o catch-up, weighed against how much time I have (i still have a main) for echo acquisition vs. rotation, etc.

There is some n’th level simming required to play right now and quite honestly it isn’t fun.


I’m letting my sub run out if that tells you how much fun I’m having now. I’ll be back for the pre-launch event though. Unless I see a beta invite pop up, in that case I’ll be back then LOL. But for now, yeah, ugh.

In the mean time I’m having a blast in ESO!


I have been actually researching ESO , thinking hard to switching over to that.


Thank you for the information.

I note that Malefic Cores are not currently available on the vendor until you already have cloak level 15. This makes them a useful catch up only for fairly hard core players.

Please put them on the vendor for anyone who has a cloak. Right now, cloak levels are required to progress in all areas of the game in 8.3, but are locked behind a repetitive Vision grind that many players find tedious. Allowing everyone to access Cores on the vendor will instead permit players to progress in any of the variety of ways in which they can earn Echoes, which will support more styles of play and retain more players’ subscriptions.

The majority of the players in my guild will never reach cloak level 15, but they need cloak progression to support PVP and low M+ progression. Please support these players too, and not just would be Mythic raiders.

I’m genuinely asking what it is you log in to do. Which parts of the game interest you, that keep you playing? And what about the cloak will/wont affect that?

The game isn’t perfect, they are in the middle of server performance upgrades with the most issues being in the PvP zone. But, I rarely have problems and the game has a ton of depth and is very fun.

I will be honest, even though it is buy to play it is worth subbing for the perks. None of the perks are P2W but they are worth having. It gives you access to all past, present, and future DLCs while subbed as well as the bottomless Craft Bag which is SO convenient it isn’t even funny, more furnishing slots in your houses, etc.

If you decide to dive in get the latest chapter Greymoor (expansion) as the former chapters will be rolled into it with the base game also. It does not include the DLCs, you either have to buy them separately or sub.


Will do thanks for advice!

I would definitely recommend giving it a try. I enjoy it personally.

To add on to this, regarding the ESO DLCs, you can buy them with their virtual currency (crowns, which you buy with rl cash) and you get the equivalent of your sub fee in crowns (1500 crowns, which would typically cost $15) every month as long as you have a sub. I’ve used the crowns from my sub to buy all DLCs (standard editions, not collector’s) just in case I ever decide to unsub.

Sometimes there’s a discount on crowns (up to 40%), which is a effectively a sale of whichever items you can buy with those discounted crowns in their store. Those sales seem to happen a few times a year.


You can also get others to gift you things from the crown store by trading gold.

Just be careful, it’s an unsupported transaction so you need to be wary of getting your gold ripped off. Usually going through a guildie is safe, and you can be in five guilds at once. I am not sure the DLCs are giftable tbh, I’d have to go look.

But that is a way to get crown items without paying real money. You just have to be good at gold making and in that game it really isn’t hard.

Blizzard has already listened to my post and changed their previous resistance cloak catch up mechanic. Please delete this thread moderators. Thank you.

That’s a good point. I do see people advertising crown store items in game. I wasn’t sure how that would work and I’ve been wary about it. Now that you’ve mentioned it, gifting items through the store makes sense when it comes to how they give you the items in game.

This thread has a blue post and that blue post would be deleted. This thread should be preserved because of that. It’s also good to see the discussion as to why this change was implemented.

What I would’ve recommended is to edit the blue post into the OP at either the top of the bottom with a thank you to Blizz, but leave the rest of the OP as it was to show why this change was implemented. Please restore the thread name to provide some context for the blue post. You can click on the edit icon in the OP and copy the previous version of the post to restore the text you deleted.

Blizzard made their own official blue post response regarding the topic of this OP.

Link is here if you want to continue your discussion: Faster Legendary Cloak Upgrades

No its not lol, not even close.

A FC of a vision is 750 sure, but you are not full clearing on a brand new cloak lol. Most classes won’t realistically FC till probably R10.