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I think I just found my answer for another post on what part of WOW is the most confusing titled, “Confusion at its finest.” Thanks. +1

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It’s closer to 60% or more but sure let’s go with your numbers. The M Ashvane dps check was like 40k last tier. People are doing well over 100k. Just a 30 IL bump isn’t going to well over double your damage.

It’s the end of the expansion, for heaven’s sake. No new raids, no more races to World First.

Open the floodgates.

All corruptions for sale. Core catch-up ability. (Grind out your Visions, people. Ugh.)

Let’s have some fun. BFA has been enough of a time-gated grind-fest as it is. Let’s not prolong it for three more months.


Let us spam visions till we’re caught up. The main bottle neck is now the currencies for visions which is fairer.

I don’t want to do nya’lotha and I utilize corruption as much as any raider in pvp settings and mythics.

It’s not that a new player has to do more work than an established player, it is that the established players were already doing the work, and have been for weeks.

I’m not saying the corruption system is great or even good, just saying that I have been running visions for months now to empower my cloak. Why should a new / returning player be able to invalidate all of that effort by catching up to me within the period of a couple weeks? Have I not earned a bit of an advantage for being here the whole time?

I agree that it also really messes up alts, but in reality who needs multiple characters to be at the corruption cap? Not many, maybe some Mythic flex raiders.

Gearing up is also form of time-gating but it feels completely different than these convoluted system they keep adding. Feeling I get from looting gear from raid boss I killed is completely different from getting azerite power or malefic core. If you just see numbers they may not be so different. You get certain % of upgrade from what you had, but when i play it they feel completely different. I think that is what blizzard game lacks lately. Instead of making contents that feel good to play with they try to make contents that make only sens in numbers. Reward X amount of player power to y amount of time spend and not considering actual gaming experience. I maybe wrong but probably that is why most of the systems they add feels like chore than a game.

I don’t really have an issue the rate of the core catch up. My issue is with how it is done. I think in getting a second core (first through horrific visions) you should be able to choose your path. You want to pvp? Great if you earn 500 conquest points you get a core. You want to do Mythic plus, complete 4 mythic plus a week and bam you have a core. Like to pet battle, do blank number of pet battles a week… Why limit the catch up mechanic solely to raiding?


Exactly this. They funneled everybody into a “do your dailies and then raid” chore list for meaningful player power that effects all game types.

It’s no wonder that people aren’t happy. In my case, I don’t raid right now. So I get the one core from a vision clear and call it a week.

My guess is not many people like to raid Ny’alotha or repeat it in BFA (prob due to the mechanics of raid bosses like N’zoth) so Blizzard tied their time gate to its raids so players would be forced to do it, the more players who would complete their raids, the better the metrics for their raids would be and their justification for the atrocious sanity mechanics. Additionally, for the players who refused to raid, means less players would raid and be caught up, so they would just have to keep their subscription active longer due to the time gate and Blizzard could justify it due to stating that they added a time gate mechanic to solve the problem. But who knows really. :man_shrugging:

I’m on mobile right now, but just running sims for cleave another 20 would get me about 3% since I would add a strikethrough 3. Napkin math though so it could be a bit off (I just added 4% to CBolt damage and rounded up a little to kind of account for other random crits).

It’s not SUPER big, but it quickly adds up the more and more you add especially since %stats and such gain more value the more you run.

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It’s super big for people that use TD. DPS can use a rank 2 TD already over other DPS. That shows up big on the Details addon.

All like 3 specs that use TDev right? You are too hung up on details instead of what is actually happening. The Fire Mage with 48% more Mastery is arguably benefiting more from corruption than the havoc dh with one tdev 3.

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I get what you are saying. I out DPS the DPS in pugs as a Prot Paladin with TD (not even high HP class), unless it’s a DH running TD as well when I check the Details addon. But I get what you are saying about mastery.

Same idiotic argument as we saw before against making essences easier for alts. Apparently some people don’t learn.

If you agree with the atrocious catch up mechanics for Malefic Cores, don’t forget to drop a like to help Blizzard notice the smaller posts. Maybe Blizzard has another policy that makes them pay attention to a specific post (other than one with a high view count).

This 100%. PvP should reward cores too.

If you give a mouse a cookie…

Then the game gets better and people will actually want to play? Instead of hitting their goals on their main and quitting.

This turned out so well for your camp last time with essences, but I guess some people are suckers for punishment…


Yes, that is the moral of the story. Maybe they don’t teach children morals like personal responsibility or cause/ effect anymore.

THERE IS ZERO EFFORT in doing a Vision a week. Get real dude…

People in this thread trying to relate it to gear and such, unreal. You guys need a wake up call for real.

Th Argument for Removing WF/TF, was that Casuals dont DESERVE to do more DPS or have the same gear as better players, this system is literally doing the same thing…

The raid boss dropping a core on EVERY Kill, and Conquest giving one, on EVERY Cap, would even be fine.

Having people, remain more powerful, completely lacking of skill reqs, for a time gated quest line basically is absurd. Never before have the time gated quests worked like this.

Azerite power and Artifacts didnt either. You could fall behind, and grind your face off to catch up. A grind your face off would be fine, a hard time lock so casuals can feel superior to much better players is beyond stupid.


Then there is no problem.

The cloak is a piece of gear. The corruption is a gear augment. So yes, they are…

That was a dumb argument. Casuals having a rando wf/ tf doesn’t impact much of anything.

The real complaint is made by pseudo elitists. Jealous players that really just want to fotm reroll for power or unsub/ raid log and have the game turned off while they are gone so they don’t feel inconvenienced. WoD 2.0!

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