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HI all. Im a 3/12 M experienced Fury warrior. I also multiclass and maintain several alts ! I just left my home that i’ve had for 3 years and am looking for a guild that has fun playing with friends and can get CE. I am looking for a forever home. Will consider playing an alt for prog as long as the warrior gets brought to farm ! add my tag Failfixer#11337

Hi Ragesmack!

Safe Word on Kilrogg is currently recruiting a melee dps for our team. We’re 6/12 M, raiding Tues & Thurs 7-10 PST. We have not attained CE in the past few tiers, but it is certainly a goal of ours for Nya. :slight_smile: outside of raid we have a very active m+ community as well as some great pvp players.

Here’s our main recruitment post for more info:


If you’d like to try us out, my bnet is Lyra#11630 and disc is Esaora#3578. Good luck in finding your new home!

im eastern time so thats a little late for me but thank you !

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Hello Ragesmack,

Predominant is rebuilding. We are looking for 12/12H raiders to push Mythic content and have a solid roster before Shadowlands. We are looking for strong DPS and HEALS. Add me on real ID and let’s talk my BNET is Tinyturd#11434

Feel free to check our forum post: <Predominant> 10/12M. Recruiting 2-3 RDPS

And our website predominantguild(.)org for more information. Looking forward in hearing from you!


Gooeymilk (GM of Predominant)

looking for a more established guild thanks though !

Howdy Ragesmack,


Progression: 12/12 N, 12/12 H, 4/12 M

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 9pm-Midnight EST

Hello, I am the Raid Lead for Incompetence Inc. We are a Horde guild on Area 52 (in the US).

I was the Raid Lead of a 10/11 M Antorus guild in Legion. That guild has since been dissolved and I, plus a few other players from that team have started anew
in 8.3.

We are searching for players that are looking to transition from Heroic raiders to Mythic raiders. We made that transition last expansion, and we can help you make that transition as well. Our goal is Cutting Edge, but we are keeping our expectations realistic.

Please submit your application on

copy and past the link into your browser to apply.

Recruitment Officer Battle Tag: Twisedzap#1714

Hi Rage,

(A) Firehawk- Proudmoore has an opening for a warrior. We are currently 5/12 M and raid from 6pm to 10 pm PST (9-12 EST). We raid two nights a week, Tues, Wed.
If this is something you might be interested in, please add me and lets chat.
Teren - Shadowdancer#1115

added you !