Hi All. Looking for a very special guild for moving into Dragonflight with. You will need to be special because I’m special alright! See below;
About me:
- I’m on a lot. Its basically my life. If Im not on Im sleeping, at work or bored & watching Netflix.
- I like cheese.
- Im not Vegan (see above)
- I like helping people.
- Im basically a good person, at least I hope so.
- Im extremely funny (at least to me)
- Im a little on the spectrum which leads to the below.
- Under pressure I usually cant think & just mash keys
. Hoping to improve this
- Dont enjoy angst much so have generally avoided Myhtic+, raiding & PvP thus have little skill in these area’s. Hoping to change this too.
- I may be tipsy! I’ll make sure Im sober when I really need to be though
- Played on & off since beta. Everquest before that.
- East Coast Australia.
- Pally, Hunter, DH mains atm but have most classes, happy to switch should it be needed. I prefer tanking but am learning to DPS as I suspect its easier to learn group content that way. Dont ask me to heal, I have no clue & you will all die.
What I suspect I need from a guild;
Tolerance. I wont pick mechanics up straight away but I will get there. Yes I watch the video’s.
No buttheads, Plonker free zone. I have them at work, dont need them in my rec time.
Voice chat when doing group content. Tell me what needs doing in group content if I havent got it down.
Be good if there were some still learning Mythic, raiding etc.
Thanks for listening & wish me luck!