Please consider Undead DK option for "human" models (pictured)

So, something I’ve always found quite strange is that Undead are literally the only race in the game that never got any unique cosmetic options for the Death Knight class. Considering they are essentially the heirs of the WC3 Human and Scourge campaigns, it’s always felt strange that you couldn’t create a Death Knight that actually looks like a WC3-style Death Knight.

Considering how closely the Forsaken aesthetic clearly parallels the Scourge and Death Knight aesthetic, and that we’re seeing a ton of options added all over the place (including some that directly contradict lore, sadly), this seems like an instance that warrants consideration.

Blood magic already has implications of being able to restore the physical body (even if it’s not rendering them any more “alive”), and WC3 Death Knights weren’t even dead. It makes sense that many Death Knights that originally hailed from Lordaeron would probably be more inclined to fight for the kingdom of Lordaeron (the Undead/Forsaken), moreso than the kingdom of Stormwind.

And as long as they are restricted purely to the “undead” skins and possibly with the addition of the “Cult of the Damned” skin, I think they would still very clearly resonate with the Undead.

I mean, just look how sick this theoretical character would look wearing the Darkshore Warfront armor?

That is EXACTLY what a WC3-style Death Knight should look like, and I would honestly be ecstatic to see the option added. Again, no “living” skin colors, but I think that would make for an awesome option.


Honestly,how much more can this game get confusing. You can’t tell what’s what any more at this point I’m just going to give up on this stuff.


The “Forsaken” were originally a collection of Ghouls, Abombs, Gargoyles, and Banshees. The zombie Forsaken don’t even exist in WC3. You kill a couple of hapless zombies in Culling of Stratholme, but they’re not around when Sylvanas, Varimathras, and Garithos bring Balnazar down

I think the implication is that Arthas was clearly raising loads of corpses, and likely spread the plague after his return from Northrend. We might not have seen loads of zombies in the WC3 campaigns, but I think that’s just because they weren’t terribly useful as the heart of the Scourge forces, not that they didn’t exist. Many of those units you mentioned are more “specialized” Scourge units, where were probably constructed from the corpses of regular “zombies” like the Forsaken.

In any case, I think it would just be a nice option, as I like the story of the Forsaken, but they just don’t quite feel like Death Knights with their skeletal frames.

Lightforged Draenei ftw.

it sounds like you want to play a human deathknight.


Forsaken should be able to play as an undead version of every race. We’ve seen all of the races changed into undead by the scourge. There should be forsaken versions of elves, dwarves, trolls, tauren, etc…

Im always confused by people that want to RP so badly but somehow the smallest little hiccup completely crushes their vision.

Isn’t RP all about being creative? Just be a human death knight and RP as an undead human in your head. Problem solved.

Stop dancing in this weird RP middle ground where you are just not creative enough to RP but just creative enough to complain on the forums.

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Sorry, we have standards. :skull:

Your race is a significant part of your character. Humans aren’t just “humans”, they belong to the kingdom of Stormwind. They have no direct connection to the kingdom of Lordaeron, whereas the Undead are what’s left of Lordaeron.

It would be nice to be able to bridge that gap, particularly in an era where Pandaren, Dracthyr, Nightborne, and Void Elves are essentially cross-faction races anyways. Provided you are still visibly “dead” with an appropriate skin, I feel like it would be reasonable for there to have been Death Knights that hailed from Lordaeron originally, who after breaking free of the Lich King would rejoin their original kingdom, even if they weren’t as decayed as the Forsaken.

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You should be attacking people based on the colour of their nametag in PVP not by what their body shape is.

It’s a wonder void elves and nightbourne don’t throw you off as it is.

Wth,I said nothing about body shapes nor anything about elves or nightbourne.

You said it was confusing - I am not really sure what you meant.

There isn’t anything confusing about it, really. If you pay attention to the visual cues of the game, it tells you who is a friend and who is not. If you’re referring to the lore of the game - the OP is right, actually, but to be quite honest the whole thing is a stretch anyway and mostly was made and iterated on by too many people as it is. It’s got so many self-contradictions it’s like the bible at this point.

Haven’t read the thread much beyond the title and skimming.

My only contribution is that I wish they’d fix Death Knights having a breath meter underwater first, before anything else. :dracthyr_cry: By all intents and purposes, they’re made out to be reanimated corpses with little to no bodily functions outside of forcing it with blood magic. Why the heck do we still have to breathe underwater but Forsaken don’t?


I also feel like this would be a great option, too. Again, provided they’re relegated to the DK-specfic “undead” skins, so they don’t look like regular Humans running around.

It is a bit hypocritical they’re gonna go ahead and let Blood/High/Void Elves on both sides, with the exact same model more or less, and say ‘no’ to humans, even the undead-only ones.

Pandaren also exist on both factions.

And even now, Evokers, basically the same exact thing on both sides.

The cat is out of the bag already on this one, and has been for many years lol.

Also tired of them using bullsh** PvP as an excuse, like when they removed the Observer for Warlocks (it exists as a PvP talent now).

The devs don’t even PvP! They never give us content! Why would they use us as a scapegoat?

“PvP silhouettes” my rear. Ya’ll don’t have any problems with hunter pets, nor the races that exist on both factions.