Please consider the following for Elemental Shaman in TWW

  1. Lava Burst damage increased by your critical strike chance.
  2. Chain Lightning against a target with Flame Shock on it spreads the Flame Shock to all targets hit by Chain Lightning
  3. Chain Lightning has no target cap for Elemental, but cannot hit the same target more than once. Max 5 targets for MP generation.
  4. Earthquake no longer knocks targets down, and emits from your target.
  5. While applied to you, Earth Shield reduces damage taken by 8%.
  6. Windfury totem changed to Shaman general raid buff. Windfury, grants party/raid 3% haste.

None of the following would make Elemental Shaman overpowered, but taken together would bring them in line with other specs that actually see use in high level content.


Please blizzard make this baseline in the class tree for the love of god.

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Agreed, it would be a very shaman-esqe method of solving the survivability problem for shaman.

Either remove the CD for FS or make it easier to spread! When you can only do decent AoE every two pulls, because you use LMT and PW and the group dies quickly, it’s an issue with the fundamentals of the spec itself, not just a 3% dip.

I’d also like to see a less specific tier set, so we can have a choice between Lava and Lightning builds. I mean, we had the chance, but all the dummies voted for the S3 tier set, because, “Meatball spam!” but only when LMT lines up with PW and then only up to 6 targets if you play your FS/PW game right. That’s assuming LMT doesn’t apply FS to a target that already has FS. It’s a complete mess. No matter which loadout you use, it’s so much micro-managing and no synergy whatsoever.

Elemental just needs a huge overhaul to modernize it and bring it in line with everyone else. We won’t see it this expansion. They’re slapping Band-Aids on gunshot wounds at this point. I hope TWW brings new things, but I’m not holding my breath. Elemental is like the cousin that everyone forgets about.