Please Consider Reverting the Timewalking Changes

Alot of players really enjoy the fact that because we are scaled down we can use fun old items we have collected over the years, such as Heart of Azeroth, Legendary Items, and other very unique items that we get to dust off and have fun with.

Please consider not going through with these changes.


I may be one of the few… but I am actually looking forward to this change. Currently I kind of dread joining timewalking dungeons because all I end up doing is pressing the W key, and rarely get to actually interact or play my character.

While to some, this is fun… to me it is not. I actually want to play my character not do some run simulator where I’m trying to keep up with the group and feel like I have a purpose of being there.

While I can understand wanting to dust off those relics, maybe they could compromise and somehow bring those items up during the time periods of said timewalking. Specifically, lets say its MoP timewalking time they could potentially bring that cloak up to snuff anytime you join a Timewalking dungeon. Kind of like how PvP items immediately upscale when you enter a PvP area.

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Well, on one hand it sucks that we can’t use legendary items and such, but on the other hand it sure is better not getting nerfed to 5% Haste as a caster.

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It will be the same experience as normal TWW dungeons right now, so you will still be pressing that W key.

The dungeons will be scaled for 500 ilvl at 80, and people will be over 600 ilvl.

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Which is exactly why a lot of people are having an aversion to doing group content like normal and heroic dungeons. I certainty hate that has become the new “Norm” for Normal Dungeons and Heroic dungeons.

If it continues, it will be to its own downfall. This should be a step in the right direction.

This has been the case for 15 years with WotLK, the only exceptions being Cata Heroics which were “way to hard”.

The go go go mentality has been in the game for that long, its the same with other MMO dungeons, in FFXIV you wall to wall pull.

The only case where this isn’t the case is M0 and up currently (prior to DF S4 that was +10’s and up).

The only thing this will change is undergeared/fresh 80 players will do such horrible dps that they will likely be kicked from groups.

I definitely do not remember having to hit and hold my W key as much as I’ve had to in the past couple years when remembering older expansions. Maybe you just had better groups than I had the luck of having.

I honestly believe they need to develop these dungeons better to prohibit or make it impossible to do these boss to boss pulls. Why bother putting all the mobs in between the bosses if they serve little to no point? Why waste that time?

I remember when tanks had to plan their pulls. When DPS had to help with things like Fear, or stuns and other CCs. Maybe we should go back to a time just like when the Cataclysm heroics first appeared.

Sadly, it probably will never happen. As this mentality has been permeated so much.

Heck, this post is about not improving upon them so that, people like you and me, who have these old relics can still use them in timewalking. Further making it a run simulator. While I agree, it is fun to dust them off… I also feel bad for any player who’s joined after the fact looking at them wishing they could get them but cannot since Blizzard has forever removed their acquisition from the game. As evidence by the most recent MoP remix not even bringing back the original legendary cloak questline. I wonder at this point if MoP classic will even be able to have it.

I remember stuff dying in less than 5 seconds in old mythic +2’s and M0’s that we would do for the weekly dungeon quest prior to the DF S4 changes.

That will make people miserable. It’s fun being a tank and pulling everything. People don’t want to spend time in dungeons they just want the loot (or the exp when leveling) in easy dungeons (Normal and Heroic).

People revolted, there is a reason why they got nerfed to the ground. These are the same players who complained that they needed to do Silver Proving grounds to do heroic dungeons in WoD and said Silver Proving grounds were too hard.

Normal and Heroic dungeons will always be tuned for the lowest common denominator of people who will only cast 1 button and never interupt. If you want difficulty dungeon content Mythic +10’s is for you.

I remember a time when Dungeons, both Normal and Heroic were considered stepping stones into teaching you your character prior to entering raids.

Now all a new player learns is “Go go go” “Hit W key = win”. Barely have to have a thought about what or how they pull. Heck, I’ve even seen tanks in normals continuously just run off without a care in the world about where the healer is or where the DPS are. Or even noticing that the healer went oom after their last pull but off they go pulling more.

One shouldn’t have to progress that far into the Mythic system, or do the mythic system at all As its just the normal dungeon with extra health, harder hits and gimmicks added just to encounter a “Difficulty” that would require the player to better understand their class or teach them about mitigation, or awareness of their surroundings/group.

How is a new player supposed to prepare for entering Mythics or Raids? Is the go to answer now, instead of playing the game, is to watch another player play the game? Cause normal dungeons and Heroic dungeons currently definitely do not.

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Hasn’t been the case since TBC, so 16 years ago. Exception to Cata Heroics which were nerfed into the ground shortly after launch.

Normal Raids and M0’s are the stepping stones now.

Also doing solo delves teaches you ALOT about your class compared to a training dummy as well as the toolkit outside your rotation.

Gold and Endless proving grounds also still exist too.

As has been the case for over a decade, normal dungeons are for leveling and heroic dungeons are for getting some base gear (or valor/justice in past xpacs).

M0’s are no longer a joke and feel a bit like Cata heroics because they are tuned as a +10 in the old M+ system.

I agree - in addition to not being able to use old items for fun, we will end up in the situation where someone levels exclusively through timewalking and the majority of their gear is not appropriate for their level. This is because loot is not rewarded fast enough relative to XP gain.