Please consider giving Holy Paladins a DPS Holy Power spender that doesn't require a shield

With the updates to Paladins coming in 11.0.5, I would like to bring up a small pet request of mine that I’ve been nursing for three expansions.

One of the core class fantasies of Paladins in Warcraft all the way back to the RTS days has always been a big holy warrior wielding a large hammer. This fantasy has been getting increasing support in WoW; the Holy Artifact Weapon in Legion was a 2-handed mace, and non-staff 2-handed Intellect weapons are increasingly common and appear on the Holy Paladin loot table.

However, the current design of the Holy Paladin spec does not fully support the use of these weapons. The only non-healing Holy Power spender available to Holy Paladins outside of PvP is Shield of the Righteous, which requires a Shield to be equipped. It therefore makes little sense to ever use a 2-handed weapon as Holy, even when not engaged in group content, since there is no way to convert excess Holy Power into damage as we can with a sword-and-board.

There are many possible solutions, such as simply making the PvP talent Denounce available in the Holy spec talent tree (perhaps as a choice node with Shining Righteousness). While it might take a little rebalancing, the flavor win of giving Holy Paladins the option to use 2-handed weapons to really fulfill the class fantasy would be worth it.

I’ve been fighting to make LoD a dps spender, love the visuals but non existent in m+, it’s essentially SotR just with slighter larger range, frontal, it’s a perfect fit.

I honestly wish Holy Paladins weren’t tied to shields so we can do damage.

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Just move JV over to the holy tree

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Yea, ive been in the same boat about SotR for the last two expansions. Even recently I have been getting gear drops upgrades that are 2H Int Staffs or Maces that I just sell to the Vendor because I can’t use it.

Also saw the changes to the Class Tree in the PTR build, WHY ARE THEY ONLY REMOVING VANGUARD’S MOMENTUM FROM HOLY??? Its the only talent that synergizes with Veneration and makes it fun. If they remove the Talent I will probably re-roll because I enjoy the DPS output healing style that came from the end of DF.

Just move JV over to the holy tree

Hadn’t even thought of this, but it would also be a pretty elegant solution.