Please change Thundering Strike or remove staves from loot table

As far as I know, elemental shamans are the only class in the game that have a “required” talent for their best builds that needs a certain type of item in their weapon slot to even use that talent.

This would be like Fury warriors having a very strong talent that can ONLY be applied to 2-hand Maces and no other 2-hand weapon type. It would be absurd and make zero sense, but here we are with elemental shamans.

Why is this talent not just “Imbue your weapon” instead of “Imbue your shield”? Or even just a passive!!

If it was a utility talent that had damage reduction maybe it would make sense thematically but it’s a damage talent that shoots down lightning. If you want us to only use 1-hand weapons and shield, then remove staves from our loot table!

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Assassination rogues have needed daggers only for over a decade to do decent damage and many expansions blizzard wouldn’t only give them axes or swords.

There are other classes/specs that need either a one or a two hand weapon to use certain talents