Please change Fandral's Flamescythe

This is my most selfish request, and I am not even going to hide it.
The staff having a 2 hour Cooldown is just weird.
Can we just get rid of the CD or just have us get the firecat buff as long as its equipped?
Also I have noticed it randomly goes away if you go in teleports or on flight paths? Doesn’t seem to always happen but with the 2h CD its annoying.

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Yes it sucks 2 hour cool down that goes away if you die or change zones or switch weapons…

It used to be just when it was equipped then it was transmoggable onto any valid weapon.

It’s not like kitties have much else going for them right now, might as well at least let us have our cool looking form…

Would be really nice to see firecat appearance just added to barber shop once the staff is acquired (how it works in retail)


I would second and 3rd all these things… the CD is just shameful.

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