Please change "Ancient of Lore" to "Ancient of Trash"

Do not disgrace the amazing Ancient of Lore from the WC3 Frozen Throne with the current ancient of trash that was added this patch.

Please delete and remake resto druids as a class at this point.


Have you tried watching like a YouTube guide or something? Check out Supatease my guy :ok_hand:t2:

It really is a god awful play style. Went down hill after bfa imo with the class design. Treants/tree yawnnnn.

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This halfbreed of a tree form they gave us with the cherry on the top


“Let’s give Druids all these forms that they can’t use because the class doesn’t heal without being in tree for 12 seconds” “oh let’s also have it provide zero damage, and remove astral influence from affecting bash/maim so now we’re forced to be right up the players buttcheeks to get it”

the heals dont even do anything anymore. I had literally full hots up, cen ward, and bark - the mage got like 3 shotted by a MM hunt.


(post deleted by author)

I agree that rdruid is weaker now, but I think this specific situation is more a result of mm being overtuned atm.

I personally don’t like rdruid meta, but they’re definitely getting some well-deserved buffs tmo (and disc is getting nerfs!)

I think this past week, I logged on played 3 games of 2’s then logged off and have had 0 motivation since.

I really really dislike Ancient of Lore. Absolute antithesis of what playing resto druid has felt like since I came back to WoW.

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You want them to make resto druids into a class?

It’s only 5% increased buff which is garbage, better than nothing but not near enough… they could buff hots by 20% and it still probably wouldn’t be enough for the damage. Outside of tree or soul of the forest which gets purged half the time, the class doesn’t do healing. As for disc priest nerfs it’s going to be mostly cancelled out with the 4pc tier set that increases their healing. Rsham currently feels the best to play, probably the most fun right now too. Pres is going to feel insane with the dream breath buff as that’s already my top heal on it by far. I feel like holy priest damage is going to be insane voidweaver 2.0. especially in brackets that have weird scaling like 2s. MW and Rdruid just aren’t fun anymore.