Archon/Voidform just feels janky to play, and Voidweaver/DA just feels so much better as a spriest, especially looks-wise, too. After thoroughly enjoying Voidform for many expansions now, I’m just sick of the super spammy playstyle it has become now. I would much rather play the Voidweaver/DA build if it was more viable.
Then play it?
They’re both pretty much equal, voidweaver is even better for some things.
+1 buffs.
Allow DA to buff MF:I and Void Torrent. Channeled abilities should be classified as Direct Damage & DOTs. There are many abilities that counted as two elements or types throughout WoW.
+1 Charge to Shadow Crash. I do 1 +10 on this toon for GV. My DPS buddies just shred through packs (Ret/Surv/Enh) and SC is not up for the next pack OR we pull big and I’m still dotting up targets while the Ret is already doing 4-5M burst. I went from doing 1.5-2M to like 1.2M overall DPS, even lower as Archon. My iLVL went up but my DPS went down feels bad for farm keys.
+1 Charge to Void Blast. This would further make that Entropic Rift window feel powerful and bursty. A Ret Pally can Divine Storm 4x in a row with Wings every 30s. Asking for more charges to strong abilities is no longer a big ask.