Please bring back the Alchemy recipe for Restorative Potion, the very last impossible to obtain recipe

Restorative potion was granted as a quest reward via the Uldaman/Badlands Reagent Run quest chain, which was removed in the Cataclysm. Because there was never a physical recipe item, tradeable or otherwise, this recipe is 100% impossible to obtain and has been since then. I am very happy about all of the other unobtainable recipes that have returned to WoW, and would like to see the same happen for this one. I don’t care if it’s hard to get or expensive or released as part of a secret - I just want to obtain it. It is the only alchemy recipe that I do not have yet.

Since you guys are doing some classic related stuff for the 20th anniversary, I feel that this would be a good fit as a badge reward. You guys have done other retired items as TW badge items. :slight_smile:

I’m with you there- my Priest is my main and he’s been an alchemist since Vanilla- getting all the recipes is one of my “just because” goals as well.

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Right? It’s been a joy to have everything else come back, so here’s hoping this one does too.