Please bring back old Maneuverability

Every class can remove root with less than 1 min cd but our rogue has to use 2 min cd vanish or cloak to remove 30s cd root? And cloak sometime dont remove slow either. Is it a bug? Please bring back Old Maneuverability which can remove root as PVP talent so we can use it against caster. Currently nothing good vs caster beside bomb.

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My vanish has a 40 second CD

(Delete Crackshot please)


The chances of using vanish for a root clear is also very low due to being a DPS button.

Crackshot is fine, but it needs to be reworked to not be tied to stealth windows imo. I just want everything related stealth burst windows on outlaw to be something else. I don’t want 2 buttons to initiate the same burst window of which 1 is affected by CDR, and comes with all the bugs that stealth brings in WoW.

Like you said; damage button.

The crackshot vanish CD window is so you can go back to blasting with a chance of not needing CoS to escape or reset.

Crackshot is fine, I don’t even think it needs a rework. Allows replacement of Killing spree as a random chance to be better with the tradeoff of it being worse without the reliable 1 button slamdown. Just my pennies here.

It does need a rework.