Blizzard doesn’t look at these forums in general lol.
So you wake up and immediately start thinking about the wow forums? Maybe you should log off for a while bud
so don’t do it other people want to do it though. why does this loot system specifically have to be banned for everyone, unlike any other loot system
Good question. - Shrek.
Wait till you hear the pro gdkpers and their superiority complex
You definitely don’t want gdkps back
… so why do you want GDKPs back?
A Swiper using multiple characters with 0 posts to make spam threads isn’t any tide turning.
It’s just sad and pathetic. And funny.
“noo we don’t care if gdkps come back or not”
Literally post in every thread relating to gdkps hahaha
Remember when you lied about killing Heroic LK?
I do.
No. GDKP are terrible. Glad theyre banned.
Keep fighting the good fight, we will win eventually.
Nah gdkp is worse for fresh realms. It highly favors swipers over guilds running regularly and allowing people to show up and SR every week - instead of nerds with a “superiority complex” it’s nerds willing to spend hundreds of dollars on gold every month. If you’re in a guild that has a loot council and they aren’t letting everybody roll on loot then I would suggest finding one that does 2SR every week.
then run your own guild
How are so many classic players so delusional
Sry champ, unless you’re multi r1, you taking an anti gdkp stance doesn’t matter.
the fact this is somthing a player asks for is weird
Too bad tons of us have been buying loot already
lol, no. It doesn’t matter how much you post, they’re not coming back. No amount of crying or tantrum throwing will change this.
It’s funny most of the gdkp haters are g2g enjoyers
Better than stupid loot rules and nerds with superiority complex and phat wallets, I’d say.