Please bring back GDKP, i’m sick of stupid loot rules and nerds with superiority complex
Nope not happening.
the tides they are a-changin’
GDKP will return
No it won’t.
Plus another 1 post account asking for GDKP LOL.
Like anyone is listening to you.
I said: the tides. are. a-changin’
So if a guy had no life like you and just trolled the forums everyday for high postcount you would take what he saying seriously?
What a hilarious metric
GDKP is everything you said you’re sick of.
maybe it is. maybe it isn’t.
let people use the loot rules they want bro
who are you to dictate what they should do in their own raids
GDKP is the best and most fair loot system there is. if you dont want to join a gdkp go play with your guild nobody is forcing you to do it.
if you want to stroke somebodys bussines for loot thats your problem, i want to pay for my loot with the gold I HONESTLY EARN. Bots are and will always be an issue as you’ve experienced for the last 20 years.
Too bad.
You can’t pay for loot. GDKPs are banned.
Join a guild and earn the loot.
Or quit.
we will get gdkp again
No you won’t. Not on Anniversary servers.
how gdkps affect you? whats all this hate about?
I am someone who knows better than them and am saving them from themselves.
you’ll just have to get a real job to finance yourself. My game is not your revenue engine.
Blizzard already said they view banning GDKPs as a positive thing based on their data.
Sounds like GDKPs are staying banned.
You do realize that gold sellers are selling more because of the ban right?
Fabricated lies based on no data.
You are just coping and seething.
my opinion on the topic is set. I don’t want GDKP unbanned ever again.
Regardless of anything.
That’s fine
I just figured you should know the truth.
If you know any gold sellers ask them.