Remember in the Easter Plaguelands? That quest chain where you travel with your good buddies, build up a nice caravan together, get to be part of the group…
There was Fiona, Gidwin, Tarenar, Argus, Rimblat, Talren, and Beezil. These guys were amazingly memorable, and really helped you Immerse into the story and world of WoW. I make sure to do the quest chain every time I make a new character because it’s just SO good.
well nevermind I guess! <-Edit
You find them in Shadowmoon Valley even, in WoD, and Fiona actually can join you as a follower for your Garrison.
But all that aside, I’d love to see them in the Dragon Isles. It’s the perfect setting to have the caravan show up for some quests, just some fun little side quests nothing serious. Just give me more of these memorable npcs and their silly adventuring antics. Let me greet them like an old friend and join in for a bit of fun in this new expac and these strange new dragony lands.
They’re at the dragonscale expedition camp. Along with the blood elf and dwarf paladins
Face the tent in the camp and take a right. They’re down a very small path. Or you can stand in front of the camp tent so that it is behind you and you’re looking opposite of it, and take a left
Thank you, it’ll be nice to go see some old friends in game again (that whole quest series was one of my favorites in WoW too)
Having been there and talked to them all, there was even a little bit that just had me going ‘aww, that is sweet’, as Argus Highbeacon from the original caravan was getting older (one of the quests he asked if you could bring something the final leg as he was getting too old to make the final leg of the route he did), and his son has apparently decided to join the caravan in his place.
And the way his son talks about wanting to capture the experience for his father just makes me go aww