I like the “Scouting Garb” set for my rogue gnome, Stabbit.
Please bring back the bare-faced black “Cloaked Hood”.
It’s not in the game anymore, since Cata.
I like the “Scouting Garb” set for my rogue gnome, Stabbit.
Please bring back the bare-faced black “Cloaked Hood”.
It’s not in the game anymore, since Cata.
I’m not sure what you mean.
The “Cloaked Hood” heat slot item isn’t available to obtain anymore.
On web databases it can be found in leather for leather-wearers (Rogue, Monk, Demon Hunter and Druid): https://www.wowhead.com/item=1280/cloaked-hood.
It looks great as a helm variant of the Classic World Set “Scouting Garb”:
But then Cata happened and it got erased from the loot tables. Then the Level-3 Salvage Yard brought it back (WoD). Then the Salvage Yard got nerfed (Legion).
To add insult to injury, the only item with the “Cloaked Hood” head slot item is… Cloaked Hood. No leatherworking, no quest reward, nothing else.
Could we get it back in the game somehow for transmog?
Oh, lol. It’s literally the name of an item. I thought you were talking about a type of appearance. My mistake.
Anyway, yeah…the closest you’re going to get right now is probably the one that comes with the mask attached like the heirloom helmet:
I think my current mog hat is the closest in game item. Tiny quest line in the Legion Hunter Hall that makes the item purchasable. Not sure if it transfers to Shamen, but I know even though it’s cosmetic, none of my other characters have it available
It does transfer to shaman, as a mail piece.
That is a beautiful piece. I wish there was an equivalent for Rogues. : )
I have a Cloaked Hood BOE on my bank. If you feel like making an offer, send me a message jet#1259
Same !! have 2 cloaked hood on garrosh server !
Blizz art team is amazing no doubt but sometimes I think they miss the mark thematically for rogues. Hoping they give us more hoods and black mog options that look like leather in the future.
Hi - I’m still looking for a cloaked hood - anyone still have one as BOE?
I have 1 cloaked hood on my proudmoore toon open to offers
do you still have it for sale? lol
hey do you still have cloaked hood for sale?
I do still have it for sale it’s the leather item Btag is Pryrelivia#1461 if you’re interested still
I have 1 cloaked hood it’s the leather item Btag is Pryrelivia#1461 if you’re interested on proudmoore open to offers
i added you, Raziel#1679 is me
sorry i typo’d my btag pyrelivia#1461 I added you
They said they put this back, I just couldn’t find out where to get it. World revamps are terrible. They shouldn’t be removing things. A new Human character should be starting in Northshire and seeing a kid Anduin in the throne room!