Please Bring Back Adult Maturity

Again no, grow up and quit being gross.

No mature adult finds it funny irl or game.

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Who are you speaking for and when did your viewpoint become the benchmark for morality in a video game?

Pipe down. You aren’t the main character.


Why? When they keep adding more of it?

I mean this was added in the Siren Isle patch

And we have a new bikini set.

Like there is zero evidence that they’re gonna suddenly remove revealing outfits, and they keep adding more, so where does this nonsense even come from?


I mean the Venn diagram of people who claim they want “adult maturity” back in WoW and people who pitch a fit when they see a gay couple is very nearly a circle.

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well if they bring back adult maturity they better leave the childish stuff there to.

Chef Chum Platter on the siren isle has been the best thing since sliced bread when he does his “Overstuffed” ability and bends over with his mouth open and lets the loudest ripper go. then a cloud of green smoke comes from his behind and damages everyone in aoe.

Don’t know who those people are?

I want adult maturity and I’d also love to see Anduin have a three-way make out session with Sylvanas and Wrathion.

Those who stand in opposition to relationship dynamics inclusive of all sexualities are a vocal minority.

I mean I’m referring to real people here, not you.

Unprovoked jab.


You’re a sad parody of a human being created to get attention for a person who clearly craves it.

Nothing about you is genuine or worth engaging with.

Thanks for letting us know.

Now go spew garbage somewhere else.


People are different from you and you have to grow to tolerate them. You can look at certain other groups who scream bloody murder all the time here and brigade posts.

What he wants seems immature and childish to me. That isn’t a reason for it not being allowed to exist though

That seems like quite a generalized leap.


Sure. Paris is a troll, though. They’ve posted multiple contradictory threads that are obviously for the purpose of riling people up. I know you’re aware of this, but you have similar tendencies so we can play pretend if you like.

Nah, not really.

I pay attention to who posts here.

spiting with a illness here is just assault with a deadly weapon. still classed as a misdemeanor here though.

Too risky in todays environment.
Read the forum. We still have threads coming up from time to time complaining that X is offensive and needs removed.

If you insist.

What annoys you so much about people wanting childish things in game?

We know they wont add spitting since that hurt blizzards cash via pay pig shaming.

Thanks for being Blizzard’s extra pair of eyes. I’m sure they appreciate your hard work.


Absurd sexuality in WoW was the baseline, I don’t think it’s fair for people to hop into something, change it, and then complain when others liked it better how it originally was.


Hardly absurd, but sexual themes certainly was the baseline.

I enjoyed it as eye candy. I’d like it back.


Yeah but those threads go down in flames since the overton window shifted.