Please Bring AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution to WoW

Oh my god. Someone is wrong on the internet. Oh the humanity.

I don’t get why you get so uppity about knowing whether Apple uses AMD GPUs in their MacBooks or not. It’s such a trivial piece of information too. Why the snarky replies?

I know they don’t for all because I had an old MacBook that used the Intel iGPU and the latest ones I considered getting don’t use AMD/Nvidia for sure.

I’m getting too old to keep up with tech news especially gaming tech.

I think their tower lineup will continue to support AMD GPUs for a while. The latest macOS update included drivers for the Radeon 6000 series.

I think eventually they will shift over to their own custom GPUs though.

So if Blizzard wants whatever feature to work, they can’t rely on any GPU vendor specific technology.

Yeah I totally support platform and graphics API agnostic ways of implementing things. Proprietary stuff locks people into buying one company (usually Nvidia) which is terrible, especially now when the other players are competitive and GPUs are scarce.

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That is a great question I do not know if this feature would be offered on Apple Mac products in general even if they had a Nvidia/AMD gpu or M1 versions, I would assume not or at least not for now. If it were to be though in the future, I believe the benefits would still be awesome for that user base. It comes down to if the Metal API on Mac supports this technology and if Apple itself wanted to push it. Apple has a lot of control here more so than companies, but I could be wrong. I’m not an expert in this topic at all as I don’t own a Mac, personally though that Reina display…Loooks amazing! :star_struck:

As for Blizzard partnering on Graphic Technologies in the past, I can think of two times off the top of my head:

I’d like to point out I have supported both AMD and Nvidia for many years my preference changes depending on the generation and value each offer at the time. I can’t wait to see what Intel dedicated GPUs will bring to the fight later this year or next. I’m for this one feature because it brings the best bang for Blizzard’s time as it helps AMD, Nvidia and Intel players if they were to work with AMD to implement it into World of Warcraft: Shadowlands which is why I wanted to make this post and get the word out.

What compliment AMD’s approach in recent years to focus on bringing broader technologies to the market meaning it can be used by AMD users and rivals is a great strategy for players and companies. It means Blizzard only has to implement one technology not several saving development time. Freesync really forced Nvidia in 2019 to allow Nvidia users to use start being able to utilize Freesync monitors, FidelityFX CACAO and AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution can be used by Nvidia and AMD Users, plus I think Intel users(Not sure about Freesync I don’t have an iGPU) While Nvidia develops outstanding technologies they locked it to the Nvidia GPU eco system which is great for the users that have Nvidia GPUs but requires companies to support that, and either pick a side or spend more time to support other technologies that do the ‘Close’ to the same thing for other GPUs players which I don’t think is a great strategy. Companies want to optimize their time and help as many different users as possible not one key segment if possible. Especially right now where GPU shortages are occurring, players are sticking with older GPUs riding this out. This technology would save Blizzard time and help all windows players if they used it.

Given the name if World of Warcraft already supports FidelityFX CACAO it seems the ground work is already in place for FidelityFX Super Resolution or they already have been working with AMD on Shadowlands that could continue more easily to get this feature in the game. Though I don’t want to risk it by not saying anything and wanted to get my feedback out to you all. If you have a moment to vote on AMD’s web site, I linked in my first post that would be epic.

Great questions I didn’t even consider Mac.

Thank you.

AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) has been implemented in 9.1.5 and is currently available for testing on the 9.1.5 PTR! FSR is disabled by default on the PTR currently while we do internal testing. To enable it, Open System Settings → Advanced → Resample Quality and select “FidelityFX Super Resolution” and then also make sure your resolution scale is below 100% in System Settings → Graphics → Resolution Scale (50% to 83% recommended).

FSR should work on all supported graphics cards and graphics APIs, other than Shader Model 4 graphics cards.

Note render scale in general only helps reduce the GPU workload, so if you are CPU bottlenecked, lowering render scale will not improve frame rate at all. It only improves frame rate if you are GPU bottlenecked.


Overwriting all my forum history because of stalkers harassing on multiple platforms. Blizzard won’t let us delete history to avoid targeted harassment.

Same for me with my 1660 super and directx12 enabled, flicking everywhere.

Overwriting all my forum history because of stalkers harassing on multiple platforms. Blizzard won’t let us delete history to avoid targeted harassment.

It’s out now :smiley:

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umm more FPS = more fun for most people who are younger than 30

): </3 that’s rough friend

Well ,that a problem you see i’m older than 30 by a long shot even with better graphic , soon eyesight would suffer.

Sometimes the skies in Shadowland go all rainbow on me… And I have a really decent video card.

): </3 nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo please get your eyes healed by a strong paladin or something <3

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Can we please get FSR 2.0 since it’s out soon?


Forget FSR, raycasting when?

Probably not before 10.0.

i would say first have the game use more cpu cores properly.

wow already has it its under advance tab resample quality.