Please Blizzard use item level brackets in random bgs

Yeah, looking forward to games where it’s not just one side gear dominating the other; it will make for a much more equal and fun engagement for both sides.

I realize this will bring some tears to the bully types who need/cherish/desire a gear advantage but that’s how they decided to this expansion.

Dragonflight gearing is mere hours away, friend. Just hold on. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

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I can’t wait to see the actual gear prices. It wouldn’t be too out ordinary for Blizzard to increase honor costs last minute. Surely they can’t leave them at Shadowlands 1/7 honor cost levels.

Probably not. A full set of honor gear for several expansions was around 27k honor, which might not be too bad, especially with crafted gear to hold you over. I’m interested to see if they still believe the spoils of war buff will be necessary or not.

Problem is Wow is the only MMO that still uses a PvP system like this. Yea Dragon flight is “Fixing it” but I’ll believe that when I see it. I wouldn’t be surprised if mythic gear becomes better than PvP gear again making PvP gear useless.

Blizzard needs to get rid of gear in PvP. I’ve been saying this since Wrath.

It’s not fun to 1 shot players that are half AFK because they have no gear. It’s also not fun being that player. I don’t get how people find BGs fun when gear is always imbalanced. People complain about twinks in lower brackets yet the Max level is all about Twinking. How about we just remove gear put everyone on = footing and let player skill speak for itself.

Wows gear system for PvP has always been a bad.

I’m very certain that the players that advocate for Gear in BGs are the same people that think 1 shotting a fresh 60 is “Skill” or “Fun”


SL fixed that problem hopefully they dont bring it back…

If PvE is the best PvP Gear , WoW will have a major regression into the PvP system.

I don’t get it either. But some folks like our friend here, needs or simply want to win and win big and it’s fun to “dominate”. It’s like that because they played longer or “put in the work” they deserve to have “their kind of fun” at the expense of alts, new folks and those simply wanting to enjoy a casual battleground.

I mean I get the logic and perspective but agree that it’s hard to imagine it being fun. (Aside from simply being bad or not investing in learning the specs/classes making it a requirement lol.)

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Well, the game is ultimately about progression and your numbers growing. So taking that away completely is not right in my opinion. Especially in casual PvP where there’s nothing like rating to push. But PvP gear should be very very streamlined and relatively fast to get.

Don’t tell me that you don’t light up when you buy your first max level honor piece on a fresh alt. Obviously, at first you are undergeared, so you focus on CCing more etc, but soon with gear you become a strongest contributor. It’s a classic hero’s journey in an MMORPG game. Obviously not to such extent like in Shadowlands which was ridiculous.

I just don’t find it fun personally to just hop on play out of the box. It feels like I’m playing a class trial or something without any investment. Barely played in Legion for that reason.


Yes, a compromise where we don’t have ridiculous engagements that generally have no competition BUT you still maintain/keep that “giddy” feeling of obtaining a new “shiny” or whatever :slight_smile:

That’s all they do lol.

Why are you guys fighting about this

Gear is equalized in literally 2 and a half hours

These are the exact kind of minds I imagine being stuck at 1400

I’ve done the gear grind every Xpac and major patch I don’t “Light up” when I get my 1st piece of Honor gear I go “Oh here we go again this waste of my time“

I generally level my alts in PvP so when I get to max I can skip a majority of the horrible Honor grind at max.

I play wow to PvP and just Random BG been that way since Cata.

The gear grind is not a fun part about wow. It’s a hamster wheel to keep people playing. A very dull and frustrating one.

I see the appeal in PVE but again PvP it’s not fun. Like seriously I don’t find it fun to PvP against low geared players when I’m max geared. It’s boring

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Gear grind has always been a part of WoW.

I personally find it a bit bland if there is nothing to strive for or whatever even if it’s minimal.

I see no issues with how it is going to be in DF with progression towards conquest, crafted while farming honor for that set.

Not a big deal at all. I mean you are going to want to experience things and as long as you can use how you play and your skill to perform and have it mean more or as much as the gear you are wearing it’s fine :slight_smile:

It’s a part of every MMO. However most MMO have switched to No gear in PvP. I never understood why wow refuses to switch. I just deal with its bad systems cause I like the game. I can still advocate for change. :slight_smile:

They must be doing something right, you did buy the expansion after all didn’t you <3?

I get that lots of people want something to “Work for” yea at that point maybe in competitive play gear should matter. However Random BGs gear shouldn’t matter.

Also a lot of people don’t work for the gear they AFK creating issues for us who want to have fun. Or they Bot.

This games so old that most people don’t legitimately do the gear grind.


It is extremely rare for this to happen

I saw 2 bots all of shadowlands, and I’ve done thousands of battlegrounds

Wow tokens

If you’re buying tokens to get 1800, you’re just going to get runover when you have gear anyway, what’s the point

I was in lfg last night on my shaman, helping people get 1800/2100 for fun.

Played with a priest in full duelist gear, 40% win rate, 700 games played, and he died every opener.

Gear does not make you a good player

There are very few players gear would make an actual difference on, megaman in this thread is one of them

He gets 20+ killing blows a game with honor gear. Give him duelist gear and he’d be a freak, 99.99% of the players who play this game though? Wouldn’t do anything