Please Blizzard SkyFury Queue Hours

The Skyfury Queues are taking 4+ hours per night. Can we get an East Coast Pvp Fresh Start Server Please? The new pvp server says only transfers from 4 servers but NOT Skyfury? We need an update on this asap!!!


If they add a east coast pvp server we better have free transfer to it and only from skyfury.


A new fresh start server that people can make new fresh characters on would be better than this locked transfer only stuff that only applies to 4 select servers. Skyfury Queue is just as bad as Grobbulus!!!


If you ask daddy nicely i’ll think about it

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Aggrend made a comment on the wow community council section that basically said their priority are servers that have existed for years because these new servers are more likely to die off anyway, where as the megarealms will not.

Post #14

" So the fresh realms are a very unique situation and we want to be extremely careful about adding more realms. Adding a 2nd fresh PvP realm is very very likely to do one of two things:

1. Lead to both realms being unhealthy in the long term.
2. Essentially guarantee that one of the two realms becomes the “horde” server, and the other becomes the “alliance” server.

Additionally, Fresh realms are also much more likely to experience a bit of a decline once the game actually launches. Many people are leveling in fresh now during pre-patch but we expect some number of those players to return to their normal established servers and guilds once the expansion launches. This might be a situation where its better for us to weather the storm, as it were.

Lastly, the fresh realms’ total “footprint” of players isn’t nearly as large as a server like Faerlina or Benediction. These established older large realms will continue to swell as folks return who may be inactive unless moves occur, which is a different situation than Skyfury is in. While the queues on Skyfury are long, they aren’t as long as the other queuing mega-realms. If everyone in the queue for Benediction went to another realm, that realm would be queuing as well. That queue is more than double the capacity of the realm. If everyone in Skyfury’s queue went to another realm, it would be a fairly busy realm, but not nearly full. Skyfury and the 2nd realm may not survive that division long term.

Fast reactions to immediate problems are part of what got us here, and while our goal is to get everyone into the game as soon as we can, we also want to make sure Fresh realms are a long term success as well. We want to be extra sure that the only option is to open a new fresh realm before we do so."
-Aggrend, WoW Classic Game Producer

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After reading that bs…All I heard was we don’t want to give free transfers to players once the server becomes low population. So instead, suck on queues, peasants.


I think they are wrong I don’t think sky fury is going to die off like they think it is.
I mean they’ve mishandled classic every step of the way in a lot of cases, not in everything of course.
They don’t even know their own player base or the game…
I think their philosophy is we will tell you what you want.


While you may be right, it doesn’t matter what we think. Right now, this is their way of thinking, and until something happens that changes their mind, be it enough outcry or several weeks into Wrath and Skyfury still has a queue, nothing is going to be done NOW because this is their CURRENT mindset on the situation.

no one cares what these idiots say

scared its going to die if you add another?
no one should care cus easy solution

merge the 2 freshies when it drops in population


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Yep…don’t fix it until it’s really really broken and the players are super mad…

this 6char

I mean idc if no one else cares. Doesn’t matter if we care or don’t care. They’re the one’s in control here.

I think it does matter if we care. They make changes based on people caring. To tell people to not care is a disservice.

there are certian people who will say IT IS YOUR FAULT FOR PICKING SKYFURY

(* ˚᷄ 艸 ˚᷅ *)

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Give me a transfer off this server, please. Skyfury is garbage, but I already sank 100+ hours into this. This should have been an option yesterday, thanks. The wait is longer (twice as long) than your other so-called “mega-realms.”

Address the issue rather than continue gaslighting us.

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They do know the player base by saying one server would become horde and the other would become alliance. Players have been complaining about this fact for months and now they are trying to stop that from happening the playerbase is now complaining about the opposite.

Good on blizzard for not jumping the gun because they are right once dragon isles is released or the retailers get to 80 and then leave to prepare for dragon isles the ques and servers will stabalize with whats left.

Its prepatch it happened with bc and by the end of the first month of release the servers had no ques.

Also isnt skyfury where as$mongold is? Once he quits the ques go away so have the horde camp him.

Yes it is where he is and other streamers as well because it’s the only PVP server that they released from North America so that’s the one they went with and he didn’t tell anybody that he was going to do that I don’t think I didn’t know that he was going to be on the server it was crazy day one had a lot of fun but I really haven’t been able to log into Skyfury in several days now… so I guess I’m not playing it until later,unfortunately I had every intention of rerolling on fresh only to not be able to log in at all, so now I have to go back to my original character and do everything that I hadn’t done for the last 2 months.

Idk about the megarealms, but I’m sitting in a 4.5 hour queue rn.

This is better than not being able to play at all. This is better than having to log in what – 5 hours before raid??

Once again, another flop post by Blizzard.

What do you expect. They don’t play their own games obviously. Or do you think ANY Blizzard employees are coming home from work and sitting in a 3 hour queue just to have to go to bed and do it all over again cuz they gotta work in the morning.

Then again, Blizz employees get their bonuses paid in WoW giftcards that are only redeemable in the in-game store. So who knows KEKW

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