Please Blizz Remove the 50 Character Cap

Though I feel currently the 50 character limit is probably enough for the vast majority of players, especially those who don’t play across multiple servers, I’m personally sitting at 47 on my main account (actually use 49 most of the time, but two are used by trial characters that I make and delete to use to capture video for GIFs) and that’s only because I deleted one of my two characters on one server I play occasionally with some old friends.

I’m at 49 on my 2nd account (I was at 50 characters but deleted a 3rd level 50 I had so that I could make a trial character to use in a GIF), which I hadn’t played in a while but did sub for two months in Jan/Feb. That account has all but 3 of the twink characters I’ve kept through the years and then two 50s (it doesn’t have SL), one of each faction. Probably 2/3 or so of those twinks, I paid to move over to that 2nd account over the years…and I’d pay to move at least some of them back if we got a character cap extension to 75-ish or so. I also have 18 characters on a 3rd account, with 17 of those being old twinks that I have issues with deleting.

Though the male/female switch option at the barber helps to a degree, I play actively on 3 servers (I’m including the connected servers as 1 server) and occasionally play near patch dates on 2 others with old friends, plus on two servers I play on both factions. You need 24 slots anyways to just have one character of each race (counting both ally and horde pandas), and, for me, I just can’t imagine not wanting at least one of each race. I’m also not about to delete my two oldest characters from my original server created on my first day playing in Feb.'05 even though one is still at “60” (27 now, I think) though the warrior I’ve level to the low 50s now. I just have extreme separation anxiety with characters with any meaningful history—like some other family members, I have GAD, and it filters into everything…I’d rather spend hundreds of dollars moving characters to more accounts than deleting them…

Though some of the characters have a ton of time into them, it’s not like I do any difficult content or anything like that: I just have a hard time giving up any character with any meaning to me.

I don’t feel the vast majority of people have an issue with the 50 character slots being a limiting factor like it is for some of us, so I’m not sure if extending the cap to everyone would even be appreciated by most players. However, I would certainly pay for additional slots. I would like a 100 cap, but I think 75 with 5-slot increment purchases would be okay as well.


I levelled 60+ characters across two accounts for the Stay Classy Achievement.

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I second this!

  1. Different people play differently.
  2. Whether they’re played daily or monthly is irrelevant.

What is this irrelevant nonsense people keep using?

No no no. Last names are still limiting first names and not all races have last names. Implementing the option of one space, hyphen or apostrophe covers anyone that wants a last and it also covers other traditional naming conventions for races.


How about this: you can have more than 50 characters but you have to play each at least 1 hour per week to justify them.

No one needs to justify to you or anyone their play time. What a ridiculous comment.


Translation, I don’t play that way and you shouldn’t either.


I can’t comprehend other people play differently than I do therefore it’s a bad idea.


The good side of having a cap is it’s preventing me from creating more alts and driving me crazy :slight_smile:

But I have maybe 20 deleted characters that I’d love to restore, so if the cap went up to 75 that’d be great.

That would be nice.


If we get a new class, we’ll need extra slots.


We’ve had so many new races we should have gotten options for this much earlier.


This thread again… with the same people making the exact same comments they did last time. I feel like this is Blizzard sending out bots, to make absurd requests to see how the community responds to it…

OP Blizzard bot states they want to spend money for something, does the community respond negatively or positively? Negatively, Blizzard postpones new cash shop feature. Positively, Blizzard implements new cash shop feature.

I’ll say what I said last time… make the request for a needed feature… don’t also request that you pay more for something that should already be in game.

Half joking by the way… OP isn’t a bot… probably.


How do you figure?

  1. Not all races use last names.
  2. There are people who hate having the same first name as others be identified by their last name.

It’s limiting.

The option of one space, hyphen or apostrophe gives people their last name option and gives others more first name options and the make them culturally correct.

I get you’re mostly joking but I would seriously be willing to pay a fee for more character slots.

Or even to just have my two accounts characters accessible from one log in…

But I’d much rather a one time fee for new character slots than what we do have now.



having 8 accounts means you can have 8 characters logged in at the same time, VS just 1 if it’s 400 characters on just 1 account.

Having a second account and realising I could log into both at the same time, made me look into multiboxing. (too much effort so I didn’t persue it) but I bet it is a good deterrent as well!

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A lot of people would be willing, but I think Blizzard should do this for free. I think people are so trained to expect to pay money for anything involving characters that paying is their first option when it should be their last. Demand that they make more character slots, we’re the customers, and we already pay a lot of money for this game.


I’m all for this. I just purged my list. Wish I didn’t have to do that. I like creating characters with backstories and personalities. They all have their place, and most of them wouldn’t be deleted.

They could sell slots individually and in discounted bundles. I know they’d very likely make money off of me. I’ll never buy and pay for a second account.


Don’t neglect to mention that it’s always the same tauren manure ‘reasons’ (the same) people throw up against the raising of the cap or making slots buyable.


A fair take.

My concern is that games cost a lot to make, and little costs like we see in the game shop and qol things like more character slots is often a low impact way to increase the amount of money a company can get to offset such costs…

Now wow being a game with a subscription lessens that argument some especially given how… lackluster wow has been the last few years, but I usually reach for a pay option on account of I think it would be more reasonable for Blizzard in the end, as well as assist in keeping the game going with another flow of money.

Perhaps there is a middle ground though?

Blizzard increases the base character count to say 100 and then adds the option to get more with a transaction?

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In other games I have paid 15.- for an added slot. Though since WoW is a subscription game, I’d say 5-10 should be the max. getting a full 50 more (which can also be done with a second sub) would cost far more then the extra sub, but I’d pay it for the convenience it would give me.

Some games I’ve played also gave slots on account age. So the older your account the more slots, Seems like something that could work for WoW, also.