Please blizz 2h enhance

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on the off chance 2h enhancement happens it will end up like 2h frost. sure its a option but dw is still better sadly


Personally not a minmax gamer, I care more about aesthetics and fantasy over how big the number that is generated by a button press.

Also why I suggested they could just clean up transmog restrictions even more.


DW (breath) for frost is actually less viable than 2H obliteration, imo.

  1. Obliteration absolutely competes with breath in raid. Compare any fight in the raid and you’ll see a good mix of obliteration and breath.
  2. In M+, breath does not play as well unless you have the perfect chain pulling group. It’s definitely possible, but it’s much harder to pull off decently in pug groups.
  3. Freely swap between blood, unholy, and frost when focusing on 2h.

But regardless, both tracks of Frost are completely viable for just about any form of PvE content.


for me idc cause i hate breath so even if its a dps loss it isnt to me because if it wasnt for 2h obliterate i wouldnt play frost. im willing to take the dps loss if the play style is better. and enhance is press the shiny button so having a 2h over dw isnt gonna change that so im good either way but i do want 2h enhance


I’m cool with a mog. But I don’t want the frost DK treatment.

Transmog it and be done with it. Don’t ruin the spec like you did Frost DK for the love of god because RPers want a big stick to relive WSG back in 2005 and lucking out 1 shotting a mage in green.

Then just have it as a transmog option. It will significantly affect current enhancement since both Storm and Elementalist are affected by auto-attack swing rates.


I love how players wanting a certain thematic to be in the game is somehow a bad thing, but the absolute clowns just grinding numbers is normal and fine.

The same clowns that don’t care about class/spec fantasy, or the lore of the game. Just how efficient they can be with picking the right pixels to get bigger pixels. Disgraceful.

You’re playing an MMORPG first and foremost.

Also, if you actually read anything, that was actually already posted in the original post.

Get off the forums, and back into M+.


Think you need to reread my post friend. But sure, transmog it, keep gameplay out of it, thanks. Signed a person who would transmog a two hander over my one handers.

It’s fine only if it doesn’t impact gameplay. Which is why just have it as a transmog option. The thematic element itself isn’t bad. The implementation is the key.


That’s how it always starts, “Just a transmog option is fine!”

Then the option gets added and sucks. Then the people that said they just “wanted the option” spam the forums & feedback channels that it needs to not suck. Then an entire expansion of tuning & design gets wasted to make this option “not suck”.

Maybe Enhancement would turn out different than FDK and actually have their 2h option not suck after an entire expansions worth of design? Maybe, but I’d rather not see another spec I play get trashed for an entire expansion to appease a minority of players again.

DW Frost has been the only real viable option in raiding since SL when 2h was added back. 2h sees a ton of play now because it’s halfway through the season and people are maxing out their gear in BiS with legendary.

The fact all of Dragonflight was spent designing, tuning, & buffing 2h and the best result it gets is “It’s good on Echo & Sarkareth and other bosses once they’re on farm but is still worse than Unholy is 99% of situations” would be hilariously if it didn’t suck out 2+ years of development time.

Pure mog (same with SMF) or it shouldn’t be readded.


This is right here why I only cautiously am ok with it even being a transmog option.

Preach brother!

It would honestly be pretty bad and require a lot of tuning. Both Storm and Elementalist rely a bit on the maelstrom generated from autos and Storm would lose out on a large number of Windfury weapon procs while Hot Hand’s proc rate would be lower for Elementalist. Not to mention we’d flat gain even less from Windfury totem itself. They would need to essentially make a MOTFW type talent to make 2 hand enhance even work and we see how well Blizzard was at tuning that for Frost DK.

Even worse is if 2-handers aren’t bis then Vaults and loot drops are subject to even worse RNG since you’ll end up getting useless 2-handers eating up slots. We wouldn’t have an option like Fury to exclude only the weapon type we don’t want. I just remember wanting to get one-handers via loot specialization during 9.0 SL for Frost to play on SLG while maining Unholy and still getting 2 handers week after week. Don’t want that to happen to enhance if they implement 2-hand enhance and 2-hand is dog water compared to dual wield.

Dope guild name BTW sir

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funs over everyone, back to sims and target dummies

all they have to do is make is so you can transmog 2H just like legion artifacts. problem solved

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I remember spending the dinar for gavel, and then doing a sim and realizing it was inferior damage compared to my dw obliteration setup of the same ilvl…

2h frost was a mistake. WW monk also has this problem, and dw is generally better.

I don’t want to see enhance have the same problem.

If they wanna do this, they should allow the player to outright delete certain weapon types from the loot they get.

So if you want 2h fine, but i don’t want it, because dw just works better.

And no, enhance would be straight up unfunctional with 2h, they would need to re balance lava lash so it works with main hand, they would need to re balance procs, msw gen, lack of flametongue… so god knows how you would proc hot hand…

It’s a disaster literally non functional unless they basically remake all the modifiers, proc rates etc just for 2h. And then what is the result? You play the same spec, but with a big weapon instead of 2 smaller ones.

if this is ultimately the result they can just allow you to transmog 2h into 1h and vice versa.

NOT WORTH IT. Waste of time, waste of resources that could be used on something else.

If there is something they should do though, is to make one handed weapons drop in pairs.

Love how everyone completely ignores the original post, where it states that transmog would be a very easy fix for this entire issue.

Another clown who doesn’t read anything before typing. Get back to the target dummy.

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I was not replying to you, this was an educated guess on what would happen if they were to actually try to implement 2h as a usable weapon, as i pointed out i don’t care at all if they just make it a transmog option.

As for the clown comment, irrelevant.

We did and stated that a transmog option is the way to go. We’re now discussing why it’s better to have it as transmog option instead of shoving it in like Frost DK because of gameplay reasons. Sorry, you have nothing to contribute to the conversation. :clown_face:

I was agreeing with you.

2h as an actual dps option is awful.

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Oh I know friendo, I was more so responding to OP complaining about people making post regarding why Frost DK is a perfect example of why they should not shove 2handers into Enhance as a DPS option and showing that most of us have already stated that it is fine if it’s added as a transmog option only which he apparently can’t see that we said multiple times.

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There’s no need for anyone to sit here and try to explain all the intricate coding techniques used in designing a game and why 2h would be a disaster is implement.

The straightforward way to reply to me talking about transmog would be quoting it, and typing “i agree with this method over mechanical/design changes”.

And there you go, really quite simple, but no lets derail the entire coversation into the ins and outs of enhancement’s class design down to the very % proc chances and start hiveminding one another about why it would be “aWfuL fOR tHe gaMe”.

Didn’t I ask you to get back to the target dummies, what are any of you still doing here?
You all have rating to aquire.