Please Allow Warlocks To Pick Hairstyle And Hair Color For The Succubus

Let’s take a look at Hearthstone for a second.


Now pay attention to that moment when Medivh invites you to the party and stuff.

That’s right! It’s a Succubus with a cute bob haircut!

Now I love my Succubi as they are. I love their long hairstyle.

But I firmly believe that variety is the spice of life.

So I ask: Why not allow Warlocks to pick the hairstyle of their Succubus?

And while we are at it, why not do the same for hair color? Imagine if we could have a blonde Succubus? They would go Super Sayaad! :smiley:


I am not a warlock and never will be. But I see absolutely no reason for them not to add that.
Warlock pets need just as much love as druid forms.


Especially the succubi…

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Yes please! And my warlock’s blueberry would like to be a color other than blue. Puce perhaps?



Would be cool to see cosmetic variants/choices for all class pets. Definitely would add a layer of interest for players and flavor for those committed to those class/classes.

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Where is the boob slider though?

That succubus with the bob cut is just a blood elf in cosplay.

Sayaads could always use love…

… and not made out of rice paper.

… Seriously, a Ret Paladin just killed her with ONE ability.

Paladins are just villains of this game at this point…

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Still waiting on that Incubus blizz

Since MoP


I’ve always wanted a Fel Flame glyph for the Voidwalker… Felfire Guardian ftw.


demons are not pets mortis…