Please allow normal flying in War Within on Day 1

This is absolutely false. Disregard my other response to you, since you’re just lying for fun :slight_smile:

As has already been pointed out elsewhere in the thread, MoP flying was only gold. I was third on my server to obtain the Pandaren Kite String from reaching exalted with all Pandaria factions, and I flew it everywhere well before the claimed “months we spent grounded”.

Disagree on which is better all you want, but your stance crumbles when you tell easily disproved lies.

Both forms of flying have their place. I’m just glad we’re flying day one at all. Going back to ground only for half an expansion would be awful.


Feel free to put me on ignore.

I still won’t like DR any more than I already do.


Which made them a lot easier to identify and ban.

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airswimming should be deleted.

Yeah they are easy to spot. There are videos up of them teleporting around in early DF.


And no one is demanding you do, you’ll have your preferred method of flying most likely possible from day 1 since they’ve made no mention of timegating the campaign.

Meanwhile you ignore the diva behavior from the normal flying players throwing preemptive tantrums.


whataboutism llol

I dont care if you get what you want.
But I hope you get what you want.

I can’t tell what you’re saying here :thinking:

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It’s 90% of what I use now.

It’s just far superior for me.


I prefer classic flying over dynamic, mainly due to the fact that my game slideshows the second I hit a populated area and have to watch static images for several minutes until I land or smash into a wall/building then tumble to the ground. I could probably create several pages of comic book panels just tapping the print screen button.

And before you claim I have a potato computer, retail WoW is the only game I have this issue with, I can play several other modern titles with nary a hiccup. Even Classic Wrath is silk in Dalaran on a full server.

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Oof, if you’re having that much of a problem with Dragonriding, no wonder you want Static flying out of the gate.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with it being available at the same time as Dragonriding (Dynamic, from next expansion on), but I have no control over that.


Unnecessary to say it this way.


I love it. It’s the perfect revenge to the whiny cry babies that obsess over sky swimming.


That describes the people who obsess over other people who don’t like dragonriding. :rofl: Never understood that why do people even care if someone doesn’t like dragonriding??


Here’s hoping you stick to your word (you won’t) and the rest of these whiney kids do the same. Everyone who complains about DR is lazy or the 1% that have a literal disability that makes it almost impossible (and they are the only ones who have any arguments).

Imagine being so jaded that an extra mechanic in a video game makes you not play. I’m sorry you had such terrible Karen parents.

(holds mirror up) maybe you should look at your own history of complaining about DR in the same light.

What an asinine comment you made.

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It still is your computers fault then lol. Maybe do some fixing on your end? Weird that 90% of the player base doesnt have these glitching issues yet you claim to not have a busted computer

No I don’t particularly like dragonriding even thought I don’t have any difficulty with it.

I also don’t care how many people love dragonriding because it has zero effect on me unless they are the few calling for the removal of static flying (which we know isn’t going to happen). So why do people like you care who doesn’t like or want to use dragonriding?? :confused: