I’m not the one out here using troll terms to describe an in game feature.
No! SOME players wanted that! many others didn’t. And since the whining didn’t stop after the Pathfinder spitegate it appears that wasn’t what anyone wanted. And now classic exists so there is no reason to restrict flying at all anymore.
Get to max Level
Complete the MSQ
Explore all of the new zones.
…the stench of pathfinder roils from this pile of steaming nonsense.
Do you need max renown with everything? Do you need to wait multiple patches?
No ones denying that you have to play the game to unlock flying, your whining and moving goal posts around how it is unlocked, which still remains viable by day 1.
I’m not moving anything.
I’ll be lurking the forums to see when players are unlocking flying.
I doubt it will be anywhere near the first day.
I’d love to be wrong, but I’m not.
Everything I said is true.
One type of flying is so powerful it must be released in a controlled way to prevent game breaking damage. The other type of flying is so irrelevant it can be released on the first hour of the first day of the expansion with no concerns what so ever.
From what I’ve heard from the developers and read about TWW so far it sounds like a fantastic expansion.
Delves, AI dungeons, warbands all are things I’m very interested in. These things alone make the TWW worth buying to my.
What I don’t like the sound of is getting stuck with DR as the only type of flying for weeks, months or even years. This is the point of contention for me.
DR has it’s place, and I do use it from time to time to move from zone to zone. But I much prefer regular flying.
I won’t buy TWW, despite everything good it has going for it, if this is going to be the case.
I’ll wait until regular flying can be unlocked within a few days. Simple as that.
I’ll watch to see whn other players are getting it unlocked and then make my choice.
IF it turns out that regular flying can if can be unlocked within a few days of release, then I’ll buy.
Other players will have regular flying unlocked before I buy.
I’ll buy TWW if it only takes a few days to unlock it.
I agree 100%. I’m unable to complete Dragonflight because dragon riding makes me physically ill. I won’t be purchasing anymore expansions that do not include normal flight on the same day that dynamic flight is allowed! Why waste my money on something I can’t use?
Exactly, so they basically locked classic flying again . To try and force DR, I really dont get why they just wont make it available (classic flying) from the start. Idgaf if its faster, let ppl play they way they want to play.