Please allow normal flying in War Within on Day 1

Some children never grow up. :dracthyr_shrug:

I see you didn’t watch the Q&A where Morgan Day explains why they opted to have TBC flying unlock after the story.

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So we don’t get flying on day one if we have to complete to main storyline and we all know they are going to timegate it.

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Quit trying to make an issue out of it.

Fancy way of saying, “We don’t want you to have flight” I don’t know about everyone else, but I have lots of fun swooping in with my Druid flight form and picking an herb, and escaping before the mob even knows what’s going on. Things like that. This is just a fancy way of saying we don’t want you to fly.


I think I’ll just wait until all the time gates and restrictions have passed to buy TWW.

Shouldn’t take that long right?


wait for it to go on sale, works for me…

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Fancy way of saying, “I want an easy game I can afk for rewards.”

can I subscribe to your newsletter ?

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Yes. And since I never do raids or dungeons…or any end game stuff…it shouldn’t affect anyone. Especially since I solo.


Like this…

But it directly affects everyone. The game is a shared economy. That is used for important crafts and consumables.

Exactly. I herb and sell on the AH.

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Fighting trash mobs is meaningful? How so? Serious question.

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The first time through the world, I think you should be required to think about traversal. It’s a new land with new things to see, I don’t think it’s particularly heathy to just NoClip around the world only interacting with parts of the world you want/have to. Dragonriding, still trivializes a lot of traversal, but nuances like not being able to permanently hover do change the way you think about the world.

Rather than just hovering for 20 minutes while you do some chores, you might opt to find a safe vista or town to go to, this changes how you think about the world. That’s important for a shared world.

Also this is just a non issue. Most people will have completed the necessary requirements to unlock static flying within the first week of the expansion being out.

Sadly there are dragon riding bots as well

I see you made up stuff about exploiting quests.

They all said dragon riding was going to remove the bots! So, much crap is said on the forums.

If DR is available there is no valid reason real flying couldn’t be. For 99% of gameplay scenarios flying is flying so the only possible reason is PURELY dev choice. And by that I mean Ion throwing a hissyfit. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


Whataboutism aka the hypocrite deflection

Why is that? Do you think that DR and TBC flying are exactly the same? If so, you don’t need them both unlocked and if not then it is entirely possible that there can be reasons why one is acceptable and the other is not.