And now there’s no more time gate on pathfinder. Blizzard doesn’t agree.
Finishing the msq is still a time gate
or better yet no flying at all of any sort.
flight points are just fine, flight whistles are even better.
Not a hard time gate. Some will have the MSQ finished in less than a day.
Another that’s objectively wrong.
I have no interest in dragonflying and 100% intending to only use the old version of flying, but agree that calling either one ‘Real flying’ is a Snarl Word; ‘Dynamic’ and ‘Static’ flying are actually decent terms to use.
I could live with or without flying. Blizzard made a compromise where can fly day 1 so long you do few things and I called that win win victory for TBC flyers…but sadly its not good enough for pro flyers…
Honestly FF14 has this done right.
Quest through the zone, find the mcguffins, then you can fly. Find all the special mcguffins and you can fly faster.
It might not work as well in WoW, simply because the zones in FF are all instances & it’s not just one big wide open world, but something similar could be done pretty easily here too.
That said, it should be all types or no types of flight at the same time in my eyes.
I’m fine with this. It’s INFINITELY better than what we had in WoD-SL. We get dragon riding right from the start so the MSQ won’t feel like a slog. Flying in wow is overall in one of the best places it’s ever been.
hahaha, hahahaa, hahahaa !!
They could add a check box where you can select for your character to never be reduced below 1hp. It wouldn’t affect anything. Only those without self control would use it. Nobody would ever have to use it.
The whole “shame those who disagree with me by implying they’re immoral” argument is as faulty as it is played out.
This is such a disingenuous argument. It’s just as bad as the “push a button to get a mailbox full of mythic bis gear” crap.
What is disingenuous is pretending that game design decisions only affect those without “self-control”.
Too many warmode opinions here … glad Blizz finally learned after … 10 years since 6.2
If you like doing X but not Y, but Y is easier, nothing is forcing you to do Y except you. It would be easier to be a fat lazy slob, but I have enough self control to not eat fast food. Applying your logic I should be advocating for the closure of all fast food restaurants so I’m not tempted.
I love regular flying for popping around town or moving during questing.
It’s terrible for distance travel though lets be honest lol.
If you assume that the logic of restaurants and the logic of game design are the same, then sure. But if that assumption seems reasonable to you then you’re probably just as happy either way.
Because flying isn’t content. Flying or lack of flying determines how fast or slow you get to content. Flying doesn’t affect content like gear or not dying does.
Actually, flying affects how you interact with open world content as well as how you get to it. That is the actual answer they gave (in so many words) when asked about this.
I am just going off what THE top person working on WoW himself said out of his real life mouth. You go off what you want though